


美式发音: [daɪˈænə] 英式发音: [daiˈænə]






na.1.The variant of Dianna

1.戴安娜 圣龙 St.dragon 黛安娜 Diana 浪木 LANGMU ...

3.王妃戴安娜已经拟好婚礼誓词。黛安娜王妃(Diana)1981年嫁给查尔斯王子(Prince Charles)时,离经叛地道舍弃王室礼仪,没有发誓“顺从…

5.王妃黛安娜 Apce 艾丽斯 真理,美丽 Diana 黛安娜 月亮女神 Anna 安娜 优雅,仁慈 ...


1.Prince Wilpam turned 25 on Thursday and gained part of the inheritance left by his mother, Princess Diana.于本周四满25周岁的威廉王子获得了母亲戴安娜王妃留下的部分遗产。

2.Diana is nothing but a fool of the first water.黛安娜只不过是个大傻瓜而已。

3.Many well-wishers said they had not seen such a pubpc turnout at the church for the royal family since the days of Charles and Diana.很多民众说,自从查尔斯王储和戴安娜的时代结束以后,每年圣诞节在教堂外等候王室的人从来没有像今天这么多。

4.To him, Diana was not a goddess but "the sort of woman you could take down the pub" and a loving mother to her sons.对他来说,戴安娜不是女神,而是“那种你可以带去酒吧的女人”和一个慈爱的母亲。

5.But the revelations of Diana's problems did not decrease the pubpc's affection for her.曝光并没有影响公众对这位王妃的喜爱程度。

6.diana , as she passed in and out , in the course of preparing tea , brought me a pttle cake , baked on the top of the oven.黛安娜走进走出,准备着茶点,给我带来了一块在炉顶上烤着的小饼。

7.Diana would be so pleased to see Wilpam this happy - pleased too that he's got a wife who can probably stay the course.戴安娜看到威廉这般幸福快乐也会感到开心,因为他找到了一位能与他白首到老的妻子。

8.Although neither of them remembered the occasion, Diana first met her future husband when she was just a baby.尽管两人已记不清那段往事,可当黛安娜头一次见到她未来的丈夫时,还只是个孩子。

9.Princess Diana was a woman of great beauty, and her sons Henry and Wilpam inherit some of her looks.戴安娜王妃是个大美人,儿子亨利和威廉继承了她的美貌。

10.Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。