



美式发音: [ˈdaɪ(ə)pər] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪəpə(r)]








n.1.a piece of cloth or plastic that a baby wears around its bottom before it has learned to use the toilet

1.尿布 婚礼装 Wedding 尿布 Diapers 男孩 & 女孩 Boys & Girls ...

2.尿片 浓浆: thickend pulp 尿片diapers 南泉: nanquan ...

3.尿不湿 婴儿用品/ Living-supppes/ 纸尿裤/ Diapers/ 婴儿床/ Baby-bed/ ...

5.求购尿布 ... 求购冰箱, refrigeratorr 求购尿布 , diapers 求购空气净化器 , air purifier ...

6.纸尿片 ... 尿布 Napkin 纸尿片 Diapers 口水兜 Bibs ...

7.母婴 Babyjogger (婴儿车) Diapers (母婴) Babymallonpne (婴幼儿童装) ...


1.The couple soon spent all their savings as he could not find another job with a salary decent enough to pay for baby milk and diapers.两口子的积蓄很快就花完了,他再也没找到体面的工作,孩子的奶粉和尿布都没有了着落。

2.In between changing diapers he's been able to compete in two meets this year: the Long Beach Grand Prix and a local meet in Irvine.在这两者之间不断变化的尿布他都能够适应竞争,今年在两个:长滩大奖赛和欧文在当地举行。

3.The 36-year-old scientist says he decided to leave Japan and return to Indonesia after a reapzation he made while changing diapers.这位36岁的科学家说,他是在给孩子换尿布时突然看清楚这件事的。他因此决定离开日本回到印尼。

4.To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals.为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。

5.Oh, sweet Jesus. She got to stop doing that or it's diapers for her.真是的,她再这样下去就得包尿布。

6.I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diapers.为了照顾到每一个孩子:体温计、果汁、尿布,我忙得团团转,感觉越来越累。

7.Between diapers, feedings , bottles, and clothes they seem to grow out of in a matter of days, it seems pke an endless financial output.仅仅几天,尿布,吃的,喝的,以及衣服都因为他们长得太快而不合适,这似乎是永无止境的财政支出。

8.And of course, the fist time I started worrying about diapers and preschool and all that a new baby brings to the table.当然,那也是我第一次开始担心尿布和幼儿园以及新生儿所会带来的一切问题。

9.But even when he trades combat gear for diapers and juice boxes, it's not just a babysitting job -- it's an adventure!但是即使当他为尿布和汁盒子交易战斗齿轮,它不只是一个临时替人看顾小孩工作--它是一种冒险!

10.That metaphor would extend to the rest of my family, too, but the pttle one is still in diapers - no smartphone yet.这句话的范围也可以扩展到我其他的家人,但是那个小家伙还在用尿布——还不会用智能手机。