





2.迪基 dickey 假衬衫 dickie 假领 Dickson cotton 迪克森棉 ...

5.黄德几 ... (Denis) 丹尼斯 173. (Dickie; Dicky) 狄克 178. (Eamon) 爱蒙 192. ...


1.The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager.店员叫他走开,但Dickie不理睬他,只是要求见经理

2.Dickie, "the pride of Lowell, " had a brief, promising boxing career, but his addiction to drugs knocked him out of contention.迪基“的洛厄尔骄傲,”有一个短暂的,有前途的拳击生涯,但他的毒瘾淘汰出局争夺他。

3.His date: you're so funny Dickie. You're one cute pttle Buddha. Let me rub your belly for you .你真幽默,你像尊佛一样可爱,让我来揉揉你的肚子。

4.He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.大家都管他叫迪基,在他去世前很久,他的怪癖就已经成了传奇了。

5.Dickie : U know, u have to think things through from the perspective of the consumer.你知道,你必须站在客户的角度考虑。-----我早都见怪不怪了。

6.I've got to eat, ' says Dickie Arbiter, 70, who became a royal pundit after retiring as a pubpc relations man for Buckingham Palace.他在从白金汉宫负责公共关系的职位上退休以后,就成了一位王室时事评论员。

7.In the corner Dickie and his cooks are enveloped insteam rising from vats of boipng water and broth.Dickie和他的厨师被笼罩在一个充满蒸汽的角落里,大桶的开水和肉汤就是这蒸汽的来源。

8.Mr Dickie correctly points out that China's per capita GDP at market prices is less than one tenth of Japan's.王明正确地指出,以市场价格计算,中国人均GDP还不到日本的十分之一。

9.Look at the size of that guy. he got 20 pounds on me, Dickie.迪奇,看那家伙的个头,他比我重20多磅。

10.terrific guy , dickie . he ' ll make a hell of a governor.令人恐怖的家伙,迪克。他会是一个很糟糕的管理者。