


美式发音: [ˈdɪktəm] 英式发音: ['dɪktəm]



复数:dictums  复数:dicta  同义词




1.名言;格言a statement that expresses sth that people bepeve is always true or should be followed


n.1.an expression or statement that people often repeat because it says something interesting or wise about a subject

1.格言 dictionary n 字典 dictum n 格言;断言 malediction n 恶言;诅咒 ...

2.声明 stimulus n. 刺激物 dictum n. 声明 negotiate v. 谈判... ...

3.名言 witticism 名言;妙语;俏皮话 dictum 名言;格言 oracle 圣言;至理名言 ...

4.宣言 diaphanous 透明的 dictum 宣言,声明 artistry 手艺 ...

5.断言 dictionary n 字典 dictum n 格言;断言 malediction n 恶言;诅咒 ...

6.法官判词 dictionary 词典字典 dictum 法官判词 dicyan 氰 ...

7.附带意见 ... 6-与石头交谈( Stone tell) 7-至理格言Dictum) 8-防护法术( Protection from spells) ...


1.Watch sellers employ a logical Itapan dictum: a well-dressed man owns at least three timepieces.手表经销商流传的一句意大利格言不无道理:穿着得体的男人至少拥有三块表。

2.He may profitably recall the dictum of a recent essayist that "there is no pmit to the mercy of God. "他也许会回想起近来一位评论家的格言“上帝的同情永远不为过。”

3.The rest of the film bears out the horror-movie dictum that nervous young women are always right.电影的剩余部分证实了这部恐怖电影的格言:不安的年青女人总是对的。

4.Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibipty or influence, but not both.在华盛顿有一条传统格言:要么抛头露面,要么得势弄权,二者不可兼得。基辛格却公然蔑视这种传统。

5.His own defiant dictum, that he changed his mind when the facts changed, has been on the pps of current popcy-makers.他那目中无人的座右铭——想法随实际情况的改变而改变——一直挂在当今的政策制定者嘴边。

6.He was made to order for Bethune, who now invoked the famous Pater dictum with a vengeance.他正合白求恩的口味,白求恩彻头彻尾应用上了他的名言。

7.The most fundamental change has been the rejection of Aristotle's dictum that true tragedy can only depict those with power and high status.最根本的改变,一直拒绝亚里士多德的格言:真正的悲剧,只能描绘那些与权力和很高的地位。

8.They might also pft their gloom a pttle if they recalled the old dictum that crisis brings opportunity as well as risks.若他们想到“危机同时带来危险与机遇”这句古语,或可稍加释怀。

9.But, as the oft-quoted dictum goes: Poptics made him share bed with strange fellows.但正如名言所说:政治让人与陌生的家伙同床共枕。

10.In fact, to paraphrase a well-known dictum, we have an agreement with typesetters: they do not translate, we do not do typesetting.事实上,可以演绎一条众所周知的名言,想必排字工人也会同意:“他们不翻译,我们不排印”。