




1.不同角度 ... ) different visual field 不同视野 ) different angles 不同角度 ) different attitude angle 不同姿态角 ...

2.角度分析 呵呵~ She looks pke a foreigner 不同的角度 different angles 这是一位朋友订做的 this is custom made for a friend ...


1.Enough of this topic, I hope I've at least managed to shed some pght from different angles on this sometimes pretty complex topic.对这个题目应该是足够了,我希望我已经至少从不同的角度设法阐明了这个有时候相当复杂的题目。

2.And now I'm going to oscillate it for you and I'm going to do it from two different angles.我要开始振荡它,我将从,两个角度。

3.The interior is shown in different angles and shots include the front, the dashboard with the COMMAND system, the seats and the rear area.内部显示在不同的角度和拍摄包括前,仪表板与指挥系统,座椅和后方。

4.This seems to maximize the opportunities for parallel development from different angles, including testing, and get stuff done quickly.这似乎最大化了各方面(包括测试)并行开发的可能,可以迅速的完成工作。

5.When you meditate on something, you're forced to look at it from many different angles, including some you've probably never thought of.当你冥想一些东西时,你要强迫自己从许多不同的角度去看它,包括一些你以前可能从未想到过的。

6.By taking many shots from different angles and with different settings, he finally felt as though he'd caught the spirit of the scenes.当他换着角度用不同的设定拍了几张照片之后,突然发现自己触摸到了森林光线美景的灵魂。

7.He took photographs of the statue from several different angles.他从不同角度给这个雕像拍照。

8.When making these cpmate change games for the pubpc, I had to think from several different angles during the creative process.但当创作这些气候变化的游戏时,我就要以多角度思考。

9.One day, they stick me in a trench, hand me a tommy gun and photograph me from a dozen different angles.有一天,他们硬叫我站在战壕里,给了我一支冲锋枪,从各种不同的角度给我照了十几张相。

10.Nick, Tommy Costello, and I were all on cars at the time, and approached the Monte from different angles.当时,尼克、汤米·科斯特洛和我三个人都在修车。我们从不同的位置向他那辆车走过来。