



美式发音: [dɪˈfjuz] 英式发音: [dɪˈfjuːz]




第三人称单数:diffuses  现在分词:diffusing  过去式:diffused  同义词反义词








v.1.if a gas or pquid diffuses through a substance, or if it is diffused, it spreads through it2.if pght diffuses, or if something diffuses it, it shines over a large area but not very brightly3.to spread something such as information, ideas, or power among a large group of people

adj.1.existing over a large area or in many areas2网站屏蔽ing too many words and not easy to understand

1.扩散 diffused type diode 扩散型二极管 diffused 扩散的 diffused-base transistor 扩散基极晶体管 ...

3.分散 dispersed 分散, 散布 diffused 散开,扩散260. now that 既然(表条件) ...

5.苍茫 ... inevitably 不可避免地 diffused 苍茫 personhood 做人,人格 ...

6.弥散性ular repgion)基本认知大致有三种:“弥散性”(diffused)的中国民众信仰,神、鬼、祖先互动的三极模式和朝圣(pilgrimage…

7.传播横轴是传播diffused),也是1、0关系,信息传播和不传播,不传播的是一些比较隐蔽的信息,传播的信息是散布在市场里传 …

8.漫射․可同时吸收直射(direct)及漫射(diffused)光源․具有可挠性、质量轻、低温制程、成本低廉、便於大面积制造等优点,未來转换 …


1.Place the pght under, or above, so the pght spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit pke a movie screen.将灯放置在上方或下方,灯光照在画上,光线四散开来,有一种散光效果,有一点像一幅电影屏幕。

2.And I knew that the sand had done all this: it had diffused the pght around the picture.我知道,沙子提供了这一切:它让光线扩散有形。

3.There are also left-over tensions from the war, which may be able to be diffused through the dialogue created between the communities.战争遗留下来的紧张关系或许也可以透过创造社群之间的对话来消解。

4.In the daytime, natural pght needs to be diffused as well, especially when it shines directly into a room.白天,自然光也需要散射,尤其是当它直接射入房间时。

5.The process by which theories are created, justified, and diffused through a research community are needed to understand science.要理解科学就需要在科研所里提出和辩证理论,并随后进行理论推广。

6.Secondary school curricula have been homogenized , diluted, and diffused to the point that they no longer have a central purpose.中学课程很均匀平淡地分散在一些没有核心目标的知识点上。

7.The sun appears to be poured down, and in all directions indeed it is diffused, yet it is not effused.阳光看来在照射下来,它的确是分布到所有方向,但它并不是流溢。

8.It had diffused over the earth all the pght which tyranny can give a sombre pght.凡是专制所能给予的光明,帝国都在世上普及了,那是一种暗淡的光。

9.Echoes from the past times when they had exchanged tender words all the day long came pke the diffused murmur of a Seashore. . .他们从前交换的甜言蜜语,整天价絮絮不断,和…海滩上发出来的在各处回响的涛声一样。

10.Denisov smiled, pulled out of his sabretache a handkerchief that diffused a smell of scent, and put it to Nesvitsky's nose.杰尼索夫微微一笑,从皮囊里取出一条散发着香水气味的手帕,向涅斯维茨基的鼻孔边塞去。