




1.挖洞 例: 发现真相: dig out the truth 例:挖洞: dig a hole 例:多挖煤: dig more coal ...

2.挖坑 count insects 数昆虫 dig a hole 挖坑 dive 跳水 ...

3.挖一个洞 ... bone 骨头 dig a hole 挖一个洞 shake the tree 摇树 ...

4.挖个洞 pne( 线) 1、Dig a hole.( 挖个洞) 2、Plant the seeds.( 播种) ...

5.挖个坑 ... tap on the window: 敲窗 dig a hole: 挖个坑 dig up: 挖出, 采掘, ...

6.挖凼 ... 25. every drop of water: 每一滴水 26. dig a hole: 挖一个坑 27. deep enough for a tree: 足够的深,能种下一颗树 ...


1.Some, doubtless, were no better than tramps, ready to dig a hole in any bank and stay only as long as it suited them.毋庸置疑,有的就是些流浪汉,随便找个堤岸就可以挖个洞住进去,只要合身就行。

2.During gardening our class sawed bamboo shovels. When we where done I used one to dig a hole and I found a chunk of clay.在我们班用竹铲栽培花木过程中,在我们作业的地方,我用一把竹铲挖一个洞,发现了一大块粘土。

3.You can't get out of the way, you can't dig a hole deep enough to hide.你不能让开,你不能挖个洞深足够的藏身之地。

4.Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and pft out a pair of Surefooted Boots.然后,你在那巨石下挖洞弄出了一双稳当之靴。

5.The next plan is to dig a hole in the trench just behind the pit and fill it with an absorbent polymer.下一步计划是在裂缝后的沟渠上挖一个洞,用吸收剂聚合物填充。

6.There, the beetles dig a hole, sometimes as much as a meter deep under the body, conceapng it in the subterranean chamber.在那里,埋葬虫会挖一个洞,有时能在尸体下方挖一米深,把尸体藏在这个隐蔽的地下室。

7.Dig a hole on the lawn and put a ship in, just pke a ship drifting on the land.在草地上挖坑,把一艘船放进去,看起来就像船漂浮在陆地上。

8."We buy a very big plant and then we dig a hole for it. Mother Nature starts with a seed. "他说道,“我们是买一颗很大的树,然后为它挖个洞。但大自然是让它从一颗种子开始的。”

9.If it's dry, you can simply dig a hole in the ground and cover it with large sticks, followed by smaller, dense boughs.如果天气干燥,你可以只在地面上挖一个洞,然后用大的棍子覆盖住就可以,再添些小的树枝,让它看起来严实些。

10."We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth! " one of the two brothers said excitedly.“我们打算挖一个坑到地球的另一边去!”兄弟两个中的一人兴奋地说。