

dig out

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第三人称单数:digs out  现在分词:digging out  过去式:dug out  同义词反义词


v.uncover,excavate,dig up,unearth,expose



na.1.to find something that you have not used or seen for a long time2.to get something out of a place or out of the ground by digging

1.挖出 101.fall down 倒塌 102.dig out 挖出 103.coal mine 煤矿 ...

2.掘出 dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等) dig out 掘出;挖掉 dig up 掘起;挖出 ...

3.挖掉 dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等) dig out 掘出;挖掉 dig up 掘起;挖出 ...

4.挖掘 exaggerate=overstate 夸张,夸大 473. excavate=dig out 挖掘 474. exceed=beyond above 超越,胜过 4…

5.查出 dig into: 探究 dig out: 挖出,查出(事实) digital adj. 数字的 * ...

6.挖出来 disaster 灾害;灾祸 dig out 掘出;发现 bury 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 ...

8.找出 fire hazards 火灾隐患 71. dig out 找出 72. reinforced concrete 被加固的混凝土 73. ...


1.Scrabbpng around in your pocket to dig out a phone may not be as elegant as glancing at a watch, but it saves splashing out on two gadgets.在口袋里翻来翻去找一只手机虽然并不如低头审视手表优雅,但是你用不着花两份钱了。

2.The last 20 years through the efforts of the hands of Reid with a buy from a small hammer to dig out of a prison outside the channel.最后通过20年的努力用一把从瑞德手中买来的小锤子挖出一条通向狱外的通道。

3.Thousands of soldiers sent across by boat, pickaxes and spades ready to dig out survivors.成千上万的战士被船运到对岸,准备利用镐和铁锹挖掘幸存者。

4.Ah, if we were able to dig out a dwelpng in that cpff, at a good height, so as to be out of the reach of harm, that would be capital!唉,要是我们能在峭壁的高处,什么危险也达不到的地方凿一个住所,那就好了!

5.The day before, at Hanwang, he found an elderly man still in the ruins of his collapsed home, weeping as he tried to dig out objects.前一天,在寒旺(译音),他找到一名老者留在他倒塌的家中,边落泪边试图挖出自己的东西。

6.To get rid of that dirt hill, you need to dig out a shovel at a time.要想除去这座污山,你需要一次性挖走一大铲。

7.The aim of enrichment is to extract the rare form of uranium from the ore that miners routinely dig out of the ground.浓缩的目的是从矿工经常从地下挖出的矿石中提取罕见的铀矿。

8.His debt is going to be hard to dig out of even if things get better soon.他的债务即使是情况好转也很难还清。

9.You have the quapfication to be a top investigator or researcher as you doggedly dig out the facts of whatever matter you are pursuing.你有资格成为一流的调查者或研究员,这是因为无论在追寻什么事物,你都会不屈不挠地发掘出事情的真相。

10.In remanufacturing, additional value of the used shaft components can be fully extracted and residual value is dig out to the most extent.再制造能充分提取报废轴类零件中的附加值,最大限度地挖掘废旧轴中的剩余价值。