





4.非负边权最短路径的知识图论 路径问题 0/1边权最短路径 BFS 非负边权最短路径Dijkstra) 可以用Dijkstra解决问题的特征 负边权...)最短路径 …


6.迪杰斯特拉算法迪杰斯特拉算法(dijkstra)Java实现及升子网掩码二进制算法 算法 MD5时代渐行渐远 理智看待最强算法被 子网掩码快速算法 Ser…

7.最短路径的迪杰斯特拉求最短路径的迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法: 设置辅助数组D,其中每个分量D [k] 表 示 当前所求得的从源点到其余各顶点 k 的最 …


1.The system is designed by means of Dijkstra algorithm and graph function so as to understand it more easily for the consumer.系统设计采用了迪杰斯特拉算法和图形函数,以便用户更容易理解。

2.Dijkstra algorithm is a typical shortest path algorithm, used to calculate a node to all other nodes of the shortest path.Dijkstra算法是典型最短路算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。

3.Dijkstra algorithm is a step by step search algorithm for each vertex n reservations so far found from them ton shortest path to work.Dijkstra算法是一种逐步搜索算法,通过为每个顶点n保留目前为止所找到的从m到n的最短路径来工作的。

4.Dijkstra claims that software engineering is not engineering, but rather a simple science.Dijkstra声称软件工程并不是一门工程学,而更像是一门科学。

5.Bankers algorithm the most representative of the algorithm to avoid deadlock is Dijkstra s Bankers Algorithm.银行家算法最有代表性的避免死锁的算法,是Dijkstra的银行家算法。

6.Dijkstra shortest path algorithm can arrive at the optimal solution, but because of its calculation of the node traversal, so inefficient.Dijkstra算法能得出最短路径的最优解,但由于它遍历计算的节点很多,所以效率低。

7.Understanding of the shortest path problem, and use the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm to solve the problem.理解最短路径问题,并使用Dijkstra算法解决最短路径问题。

8.The routing engine uses the Dijkstra shortest-path algorithm to make routing decisions.路由引擎使用Dijkstra最短路径算法来制定路由决策。

9.Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra once asked, "Why has elegance found so pttle following? "荷兰计算机科学家EdsgerDijkstra曾经问到“为何追求高雅的人如此少?”

10.Based on Dijkstra's algorithm, the routing engine maintains two sets of routing groups.根据Dijkstra的算法,路由引擎维护两个路由组集合。