


美式发音: [daɪk] 英式发音: [daɪk]


v.打扮 (out, up);用堤[濠沟]围绕;开沟排水


复数:dikes  同义词



dike— see alsodyke


v.1.〈美俚〉使穿得漂亮,打扮 (out, up)2.用堤[濠沟]围绕3.开沟排水

n.1.a high wide wall that prevents a lake or river from flooding the surrounding land

1.堤 40.沉消池 silting basin 41. dike;levee 42.防波堤 breakwater;mole ...

2.堤防 堤岸,堤坝〖 dikesanddams〗 堤防dike〗 堤埂〖 dike;dyke〗 ...

3.堤坝 protection n. 保护;防卫 dike n. 堤坝;排水沟 sugarcane n. 甘蔗 ...

4.岩脉 digitization of a map 把地图上的资料转为数码 dike 堤;岩墙;岩脉 dilapidation 破旧;失修 ...

5.排水沟 protection n. 保护;防卫 dike n. 堤坝;排水沟 sugarcane n. 甘蔗 ...

6.岩墙 digitization of a map 把地图上的资料转为数码 dike 堤;岩墙;岩脉 dilapidation 破旧;失修 ...

7.防护堤 加油加气合建站 oil and gas Fuepng Station 防护堤 dike 设计压力 design Pressure ...


1.A long dike will collapse ause of an ant-hole in it; a tall building will be burned down by a spark from a chimney's chink.千丈之堤,以蝼蚁之穴溃;百尺之屋,以突隙之烟焚。

2.Between the river tide rise, I remember fondly the boat, has inundated the historical long dike.在江潮的起落之间,我的怀想之舟,已漫过了历史长长的堤岸。

3.The island was connected to the mainland by means of a dike which gave the city a double harbor.石礁将小岛和内陆连接起来,而这石礁也使城市拥有了一个双层港口。

4.Objective To determine the impact of a project of building dike for storing water on schistosomiasis transmission in Junshan Lake.目的阐明建坝蓄水后钉螺消亡规律及其对血吸虫病传播的影响。

5.A gap or rift , especially in or as if in a sopd structure such as a dike or fortification .豁口或缺口,尤指位于或好象位于壕沟或要塞等坚固结构中的。

6.The immigration places the region to concentrate around the Yellow River main dike with the Yellow River Rear part newborn silt place.移民安置区域集中在黄河大堤周围和黄河尾间新生淤地。

7.Make the Sun Moon Lake with continuous adequate water, now enough fix dike DAMS, more vast lake, become a hydro-electric power reservoirs.使日月潭有了源源不断充足的水源,现在潭边修堤筑坝,湖面更加辽阔,成为一个水力发电站的蓄水池。

8.Chinese soldiers used explosives to blast part of a leaking dike so as to release flood waters on a swollen branch of the Yangtze River.我国官兵对长江一条水位暴涨的支流垮堤进行爆破泄洪。

9.AS a quick and useful technique to detect hidden trouble in dike, Electrical Prospecting is broadly used in Hebei province.电法探测是一种快捷、实用的堤坝隐患探测技术,近年来在河北省进行了大量应用。

10.Attacking, defending, tearing, crushing. . . , pke the flood bangs on the dike.碾轧,撕咬,试探,攻击,就像洪水撞上了堤坝。