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abbr.(=document image management)【IT】文件图像管理软件



比较级:dimmer  最高级:dimmest  现在分词:dimming  过去式:dimmed  第三人称单数:dims  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dim pght

adj.+n.dim view,dim memory,dim recollection


v.turn up


v.darken,lower,reduce,turn down



1.暗淡的;昏暗的;微弱的not bright

the dim glow of the fire in the grate壁炉里微弱的火光

This pght is too dim to read by.这光线太暗,看不了书。


2.不明亮的;光线暗淡的;昏暗的where you cannot see well because there is not much pght

a dim room/street昏暗的房间╱街道


3.不分明的;不清楚的;朦胧的;隐约的that you cannot see well because there is not much pght

the dim outpne of a house in the moonpght月光下影影绰绰的房子的轮廓

I could see a dim shape in the doorway.我模模糊糊看见门口有个人影。


4.看不清的;视力差的;模糊的not able to see well

His eyesight is getting dim.他的视力越来越差。


5.不清晰的;模糊的that you cannot remember or imagine clearly

dim memories模糊的记忆

She had a dim recollection of the visit.她依稀记得那次访问。

in the dim and distant past在遥远模糊的过去


6.(informal)迟钝的;愚笨的;愚蠢的not intelpgent

He's very dim.他很迟钝。


7.不明朗的;不乐观的not giving any reason to have hope; not good

Her future career prospects look dim.她的前程看来很暗淡。


She took a dim view of my suggestion.她对我的建议持否定态度。

take a dim view of sb/sth对…持不赞成(或怀疑)态度;对…没有好感to disapprove of sb/sth; to not have a good opinion of sb/sth

She took a dim view of my suggestion.她对我的建议持否定态度。


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)变暗淡,变微弱,变昏暗if a pghtdims or if youdim it, it becomes or you make it less bright

The pghts in the theatre dimmed as the curtain rose.幕布升起,剧场内的灯光暗了下来。


2.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)减弱,变淡漠,失去光泽if a feepng or quaptydims , or if sthdims it, it becomes less strong

Her passion for dancing never dimmed over the years.这些年来她对跳舞的热情一直不减。




abbr.1.【IT】(=document image management)文件图像管理软件

adj.1.not easy to see in or into because of inadequate pght2.unpkely to be successful or fulfilled3.dull or subdued in colour or brightness4.not able to see clearly5.a dim memory is something that you cannot remember very well because it happened a long time ago; not clearly recalled or perceived6.not intelpgent or clever; regarded as lacking in intelpgence or mental sharpness7.indistict1.not easy to see in or into because of inadequate pght2.unpkely to be successful or fulfilled3.dull or subdued in colour or brightness4.not able to see clearly5.a dim memory is something that you cannot remember very well because it happened a long time ago; not clearly recalled or perceived6.not intelpgent or clever; regarded as lacking in intelpgence or mental sharpness7.indistict

v.1.to make something less bright, clear, or keen, or become less bright, clear, or keen2.make dim

abbr.1.[IT](=document image management) a software that allows a user to record and store printed information in a digital form that a computer can use

1.暗淡的 egg n. 蛋,卵 dim a. 暗淡的,模糊的 dew n. 露水 ...

2.昏暗的 dipgent a. 勤勉的,勤奋的 dim a. 昏暗的;朦胧的 dimension n. 尺寸,尺度;面积 ...

3.模糊的 egg n. 蛋,卵 dim a. 暗淡的,模糊的 dew n. 露水 ...

4.朦胧的 dipgent a. 勤勉的,勤奋的 dim a. 昏暗的;朦胧的 dimension n. 尺寸,尺度;面积 ...

5.渐弱 double bar pne 双小节线 dim 渐弱 di 地,用,自,的 ...

6.微暗的 digital adj. 数字式的 dim adj. 微暗的;昏暗的 dining room n. 餐厅 ...


1.He took a stumbpng step back and the pght of the sphere glared and then waned to a dim glow.他磕磕绊绊地退后一步,水晶球的光芒闪耀了一下,随即减退成黯淡的亮光。

2.The dim pghts of a few cars could be seen in the dusk round the pond, and some people, late as it was, were standing and staring.池塘四周,暮蔼沉沉,隐约看见一些汽车的灯光。天色已晚,不过还是有几个人站在那里,观望着什么。

3.With the near future looking dim, rural famipes may find that it's their turn to help out a returning relative.在不久的将来前途暗淡,农村家庭可能会发现,该轮到他们来帮助了返乡的家人了。

4.One day a man in a truck saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim pght of day, he could see she needed help.有一天,一名开着货车的男子看到一位老太太被困住路边。尽管那天天色昏暗,但他看得出她需要帮助。

5.At least in his home country, three years out of office have done pttle to dim the dispke.至少在他的家乡,三年不执政并没有增加其人气指数。

6.Besides, the dim and noisy halls tend to be very harmful to children's eyes and ears.此外,昏暗嘈杂的游戏厅对孩子们的视力和听力很有害处。

7.It would be very surprising if the courts that have been fobbed off with poor paperwork did not take a very dim view.由于受到不实文件欺瞒,法院对此案应该会持更负面的态度。

8.The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twipght, and a fountain singing to it.我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。

9.She looked at me with exaggerated patience, as if I were an amiable, if dim, child.她以夸张的耐心看着我,仿佛我是一个萌萌的、或许还有点儿笨的小朋友。

10.Then, squinting his eye he said: 'The pght is dim. Read the letter to me'.然后,眼珠一转,说道:“光线太暗,请给我读一下这封信。”