


美式发音: [ˈdiˌnɑr] 英式发音: [ˈdiːnɑː(r)]






1.第纳尔(塞尔维亚以及中东和北非多国的货币单位)a unit of money in Serbia and various countries in the Middle East and N Africa


n.1.the unit of money used in several countries, including Iraq, Jordan, and Libya

1.第纳尔 jordan 约旦 Dinar 约旦第纳尔 Korea 韩国 ...

4.伊拉克第纳尔 Iraq 伊拉克 Dinar 伊拉克第纳尔 Israel 以色列 ...

5.塞尔维亚第纳尔% 其他: 13.5% 时区 UTC +1 货币 塞尔维亚第纳尔 (DINAR) 科索沃亦使用欧元 (EUR) 国际域名缩写 .yu(预留.cs)

6.利比亚第纳尔 yugoslavia 南斯拉夫 Dinar 南斯拉夫第纳尔 Afghanistan 阿富汗 ...



1.The Yugoslav dinar disappeared in a puff of hyperinflation, but the currencies that succeeded it did pretty well almost from the word go.南斯拉夫第纳尔在恶性通货膨胀中灰飞烟灭,但取代了它的新货币从出现起便有着上佳的表现。

2.Remarkably, the Iraqi dinar has held steady against the U. S. dollar, even gaining a pttle.更引人注目的是,伊拉克货币第纳尔对美元的汇率保持平稳甚至还有一定幅度的上涨。

3.She says participants are paid the Iraqi dinar equivalent of $10 a day for a three-month period.她说,参加该计划的人在三个月里每天能赚到相当于十美元的伊拉克货币第纳尔。

4.Many draw their wages from Serbia proper, do business in the Serbian dinar, and where possible get their services from the north.很多人从塞尔维亚领取工资,或是用塞尔维亚货币第纳尔做生意,他们很有可能获得来自北方的帮助。

5.However, after the civil war of 1994 the Yemeni dinar was demonitized and the rial remained the only official currency.到1994年内战后,也门第纳尔被取消,里尔成为唯一的官方货币。

6.It is the fourth highest valued currency after the Kuwaiti Dinar, Maltese Lira, and the Bahraini dinar.它是继科威特第纳尔,马耳他里拉,巴林第纳尔之后世界第四位的价值最高的货币。

7.After the union between North and South Yemen in 1990 both the northern rial and the southern dinar remained legal tender.1990年南北也门合并后,北方的里尔和南方的第纳尔都是合法货币。

8.The euro and the Yugoslav dinar are both accepted currencies in Kosovo.欧元以及南斯拉夫第纳尔共为科索沃的官方货币。

9.The gold dinar to be exact.确切的说是金第纳尔。

10.Dinar Saudi S. A. Rls.约旦第纳尔