



美式发音: [ˈdaɪnəˌsɔr] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪnəˌsɔː(r)]



复数:dinosaurs  同义词




n.1.a large frightening animal that pved a very long time ago but is now extinctall of them died2.someone or something that is very old-fashioned and no longer useful or effective

1.恐龙 Ruminants 反刍动物 Dinosaurs 恐龙= Dolphins 海豚= ...

2.恐龙类 dinantian 狄南阶 dinosaurs 恐龙类 diogenite 奥长古铜无球陨岩 ...

3.恐龙家族 ... 巴黎艺术壁贴─火星家族 Cute monsters 巴黎艺术壁贴─朱罗纪家族 Dinosaurs 巴黎艺术壁贴─电子数字( Di…

5.恐龙篇 ... ABC Drawing School II - Birds( 鸟类篇) ABC Drawing School III - Dinosaurs( 恐龙篇) ...

6.恐龙世纪 《金银岛》“ Treasure Island” 《恐龙世纪》“ Dinosaurs” 《变形金刚》“ Transformers…

7.恐龙时代 ... 动物大游行 Animals,Animals,Animals 恐龙时代 Dinosaurs 周游世界 Around the World ...

8.恐龙站 ... ● 旧金山科学馆( Exploratorium) ● 恐龙站( Dinosaurs ) ● 家庭与园艺( Books That Work for Garden) ...


1.If it's pke most offices, amid the hodgepodge of cutting-edge technology are quite a few dinosaurs that seem pulled from yesteryear.它可能像大多数办公室一样,在高科技设备中潜伏着几条从昨天走来的恐龙。

2.And when you wonder how much longer the film can go on without showing dinosaurs, T-Rex finally relents and goes back to the Cretaceous.当你在怀疑到底还有多久才能看到恐龙的时候,霸王龙突然出现并带你回到了白垩纪时代。

3.The slump is being discussed as if it were a natural catastrophe pke the arrival of the comet that destroyed the dinosaurs.人们谈论衰退,就好像在谈论自然灾难,犹如彗星撞击地球,使恐龙灭绝。

4.Dr Simpson's analysis indicates that the relationship between dinosaurs and mammals was actually that of a diner to his lunch.辛普森博士的分析指出恐龙和哺乳动物之间的关系实际上就是用餐者和午餐的关系。

5.We know some were enormous, we knew some were ferocious. . . but only now are we able to tell the truth about dinosaurs.我们知道它们有的巨型,有的恐怖,但直到这刻我们才清楚恐龙的真面目。

6.However, the Mesozoic is best known as the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs and their kin dominated the continents.但中生代还是以爬行动物时代而著名,在这个时期,恐龙以及它们的家族统治了整个大陆。

7.The Age of Dinosaurs may have been dominated by dinosaurs, but they certainly weren't the only fearsome creatures around.恐龙称霸了恐龙时代,但它们却并不是当时唯一一种令人恐惧的生物。

8.It (an asteroid) dust up into the atmosphere, and the dust stayed there for so long that the vegetation died off and the dinosaurs with it.它(小行星)使尘埃冲上大气层,久久地笼罩着天空,植物死去了,恐龙也都灭绝了。

9.Sure, non-avian dinosaurs were important and big in ecological terms, but there was at least some space for other land animals.非鸟类恐龙当然在生态学范畴中具有重要性,但至少也应该留给其他陆地动物一些空间。

10.Or, to put it another way, what really killed the dinosaurs was a string of the most atrocious bad luck.或者可以换句话说,一大串最为让人震惊的坏运气才是让恐龙灭绝的真正原因。