


美式发音: ['dɪplɔɪd] 英式发音: ['dɪplɔɪd]






1.二倍体的(含有两套染色体)containing two complete sets of chromosomes , one from each parent



adj.1.possessing two matched sets of chromosomes in the cell nucleus, one set from each parent.

1.二倍体 dippcocus 双球菌, diploid 二倍体, diploneural 双重神经支配的, ...

2.双倍体 dipeptide 二肽 11 diploid 二倍体的 disintegration 分解,分裂 ...

5.双重的 diploic 板障的 diploid 双重的 diploma 文凭 ...

6.二倍的 ... bacilpus 芽孢杆菌, 杆菌 diploid a 二倍的,双的,重的,[生]二倍体的 pigment 色素…

7.双套体2. DNA含量: 多数是双套体(diploid), 虽然非双套体(aneuploid)并非少见; 然而, 与其他肿瘤不同的是, 非双套体对预后的重要性不 …


1.hemizygous Describing genetic material that has no homologous counterpart and is thus unpaired in the diploid state.是一类没有同源配对物的,因此在二倍体中不成对的遗传物质。

2.If an invaded root cell happens to be a normal diploid cell, it is usually destroyed by the infection and degenerates.如果被侵入的细胞碰巧是双倍体细胞的,它通常会被感染破坏而退化。

3.Fungi have two or more mating types, and only cells of different mating type combine to produce diploid cells.真菌有两个或两个以上的交配类型,只有细胞的不同交配型相结合,产生二倍体细胞。

4.There is an alternation of diploid and haploid generations. Often one of these is much reduced and may not pve independently.具二倍体和单倍体的世代交替,二倍体或单倍体常过度简化而不能独立生活。

5.Diploid - Having two copies of every chromosome, one from each parent.二倍体-有两个副本,每一个染色体,分别来自父亲和母亲。

6.Determining the long-range haplotypes in a diploid individual is a major technical challenge.确定远距离单体在二倍体个人是一项重大的技术挑战。

7.Sexual reproduction The formation of new individuals by fusion of two nuclei or sex cells ( GAMETES ) to form a diploid ZYGOTE.新的个体是由两个细胞核或性细胞(配体)融合形成二倍体受精卵发育而成。

8.In general, diploid of A. chinensis. var chinensis shows a continuous distribution model, a much broader distribution.总体来看,二倍体中华猕猴桃呈现出连续分布模式,分布范围较为广泛。

9.Because meiosis, so that each type of organism from generation to generation are able to maintain the diploid chromosome number.由于减数分裂,使每种生物代代都能够保持二倍体的染色体数目。

10.In diploid cells, there is a pair of sex chromosomes; the remainder are termed autosomes .在二倍体细胞中,有一对性染色体,其余的都是常染色体。