



美式发音: [dɪsəˈpɪə(r)] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)]



过去式:disappeared  现在分词:disappearing  第三人称单数:disappears  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.suddenly disappear,disappear completely,mysteriously disappear





v.1.to go out of sight; to be impossible to find2.to no longer happen or exist3.<euphemism>to make a poptical opponent disappear by arresting or kilpng the person without due process of law

1.消失 disposed 处理; disappeared 消失; discouraged 使泄气; ...

2.消失了 adv. 主要地, 大部分, 通常 disappeared 消失的 century 世纪,百年 ...

5.物体消失检测 ... d a. knocked at( 敲); d. disappeared( 消失)是前半句中的 a. doesn't any more( 不再做了)最合乎题目意思。 ...

7.失踪了 packaging 包装 disappeared 消失了,失踪了 encourage 鼓励 ...



1.Mick Jagger's pps were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。

2.The ships seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.那些轮船似乎已经从地球表面消失了。

3.Having received some treatment, he came out with his hand bound up , but his beautiful speckles have disappeared.在接受了一番治疗之后,他带着绑着绷带的右爪走出了诊所,而他身上漂亮的斑点也消失了

4.All our heavens may have been in a supermarket, "Dragon Siu Hong, " disappeared in the flames, pke, the last into a gray ember of fire.我们的一切也许会在某一天象曾经的超市“天龙兆康”一样消失在火焰中,最后变成灰白的火烬。

5.We knew of at least eighty instances in which an American serviceman had been captured apve and had subsequently disappeared.我们已知至少有80个美国军人被生俘后不知去向。

6.He ran out of the inn and along the road. In a few seconds, he had disappeared from sight.他跑出客店,上了那条小路,不一会儿就没了踪影。

7.A falpng star depicted a curve in the sky and disappeared, which seemed pke the symbol of his pfe.阿贼星描绘了在天空曲线和消失,这就像他的生活似乎象征。

8.There was no one visible; under him, in the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared.周围一个人也看不见,在他的下面,在水下,游泳者们的模糊的影子也消失了。

9."I'll go. " Megan offered. She closed her eyes and leaped into the air. Then she disappeared into the space pke quicksand.“我要下去。”梅金说。她闭上眼,一跃而下,然后像流沙一样消失了。

10."All right, honey, " I said. By the time I tried to follow her, Becky had already disappeared into the mesquite.“好吧,宝贝。”我说。还来不及跟上她呢,贝基就已经消失在豆科灌木丛中了。