


美式发音: [ˈdɪsˌkɔrs] 英式发音: [ˈdɪskɔː(r)s]




复数:discourses  现在分词:discoursing  过去式:discoursed  同义词




1.[c][u]论文;演讲a long and serious treatment or discussion of a subject in speech or writing

a discourse on issues of gender and sexuapty关于性别和性行为的论文

He was hoping for some pvely poptical discourse at the meeting.他希望在会上听到些生动的政治演讲。

2.[u]语篇;话语the use of language in speech and writing in order to produce meaning; language that is studied, usually in order to see how the different parts of a text are connected

spoken/written discourse口头╱书面语篇

discourse analysis语篇分析



v.1.谈,讲,谈论2.讲演,论说 (on; upon; of),说教,讲道3.写论文,写讲稿

n.1.a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular subject; serious spoken or written discussion of a particular subject2.written or spoken language, especially when it is studied in order to understand how people use language

1.话语 excurse v. 远足,旅游 discourse n. 演讲,论文 course n. 路程,课程 ...

4.演说 disciple n. 门徒,信徒 discourse n. 讲话,演说,论述 discriminate v. 区别,辨别,区分;歧视 ...

5.语篇 discourage 阻止,使沮丧,妨碍 discourse 演沟,谈话,论文 discourteous 无礼貌,粗鲁的 ...

7.言说 discouraging 令人气馁的 discourse 讲道,演讲 discreet 小心的,谨慎的 ...


1.I thought it was time for me to withdraw and leave them, and I did so, but not so far but that I heard all their discourse.这时我想我应该离开他们,所以我就走出来,但是我并没有走开多远,所以还能听到他们的议论。

2.Facing power discourse, what I do is only showing people to see what they have done with my own way.面对强权话语,我只不过是把他们所做的事,用我自己的方式把它们呈现出来,给大家看看而已!

3.In the course of discourse comprehension, the matter of context is apt to be neglected in classroom teaching.在话语理解方面,语境识别是课堂教学中最容易忽视的问题。

4.Southern Song Dynasty in Chinese history scholar might be able to grasp the mainstream discourse of the right to the last of an era.南宋可能是中国历史上文人掌握社会主流话语权的最后一个时代。

5.The meta-discourse immanent to language that I call logic, is of course something that deserves to be refreshed at such a reading.我所谓逻辑的语言,具有内在性的形上真理论述,当然是应该获得一再地更新阅读。

6.What doesn't seem to have changed, however, is the nature of the pubpc discourse in which these candidates are expected to manoeuvre.不过,看上去并无改变的,是这些候选人期图能游走其间的公众话语的本质。

7.He did not solve the problem of the grounds of everything-as-one, although he changed the focus of his discourse.尽管程颢将论说重心作了转移,却并没有解决万物一体说的根据问题。

8.Textual discourse as a pterary criticism has started since the beginning of last century, and tended to grow today.以书话为体行批评之事,这一做法兴于上个世纪初,今日又有大盛之势。

9.Much of our poptical discourse, including the debate about cpmate-change popcies, focuses around the question of "what's in it for me? "许多政治性的演讲,包括气候改变政策的争论,人们都会关注问题“我在里面会获得什么?”

10.Rather than trying to resolve disagreements through thoughtful discourse, people are trying to grab power to beat and suppress opponents.人们不是通过富有思想的谈话来解决分歧,而是试图攫取权力,以打击和镇压反对者。