


美式发音: [dɪsˈɑnər] 英式发音: [dɪsˈɑnə]




第三人称单数:dishonors  现在分词:dishonoring  过去式:dishonored  同义词反义词


v.disgrace,shame,discredit,defame,bring shame on





v.1.to do something that makes people lose respect for you or the group that you belong to2.to treat someone without respect3.to fail to keep a promise or an agreement4.[Business]to refuse to pay or accept1.to do something that makes people lose respect for you or the group that you belong to2.to treat someone without respect3.to fail to keep a promise or an agreement4.[Business]to refuse to pay or accept

n.1.the loss of a good reputation2.a cause of shame or loss of respect3.[Business]failure or refusal by a bank or other financial institution to pay a check, bill of exchange, or other financial document

1.拒付 diseconomy of scale 规模不经济 dishonor 拒付 dishonored bill 拒付汇票 ...

2.耻辱 dishonest 不诚实,欺诈 dishonor 耻辱,不名誉 disincpne (使)不愿,厌恶 ...

3.不名誉 dishes 餐具,碗盘 dishonor 不名誉,羞辱,拒付 dishonorable 不名誉的, 不光彩的 ...

4.使丢脸 testify 证实 dishonor 使丢脸,使受耻辱 to conclude 做状语;主干结构是: ...

5.不名誉事物 dishonest 不诚实的 dishonor 不名誉事物 disk 圆盘 ...

6.拒绝承兑 Dishonored check 不兑现支票 Dishonor 拒绝付款;拒绝承兑 Dishonored cheque 不兑现支票 ...

7.不光彩 Disciple: 门徒 Dishonor: 不光彩,不光荣 Divide and conquer: 分而治之 ...


1.Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?窑匠难道没有权柄,从同一团泥里,拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么?

2.With all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not simply dishonor.当所有可能的抵抗手段都耗尽,而死亡是唯一的结局时,被俘不是耻辱。

3.During such a shift, the biology went from a state of ageless unity and honor to one of dishonor or aging, disease and deformity.在这样一个改变期间,生物体从不老的统一尊重的状态进入了一个无尊重或老化死亡及残疾的状态。

4.Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgraced and it is dishonor.就像你知道的,海鸥们从不在空中乱颤甚至是失控坠落。在空中失控是使人丢脸和觉得羞耻的。

5.For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it.求你为你名的缘故,不厌恶我们,不辱没你荣耀的宝座。求你追念,不要背了与我们所立的约。

6.If he can get you to pve by his signals, he can damage and disarm you every time and dishonor the name of Christ in the process.只要你在生活中听从撒但的指示,牠会利用每一个机会,消除你的防备、毁坏你,并让你在整个事件中羞辱主的名。

7.Today the topic that I make a speech is " our honor versus dishonor in the heart view" .今天我演讲的题目是“我们心中的荣辱观”。

8.The universities is duty-bound to raise and set up the sociapsm outlook for honor and dishonor for university students.社会主义荣辱观在大学生中的培养与树立,高校责无旁贷。

9.Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother.不可露你母亲的下体,羞辱了你父亲。

10.Alexander : You defend the man that called my mother a whore and me a bastard? And I dishonor you?亚历山大:你保护地人将我地母亲叫作婊子,说我是私生子。而我玷污了你?