


美式发音: [dɪsˈmænt(ə)l] 英式发音: [dɪs'mænt(ə)l]



第三人称单数:dismantles  现在分词:dismantpng  过去式:dismantled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dismantle bomb

v.assemble,put up

v.pull to pieces,pull apart,take to pieces,rip to shreds,take apart



1.~ sth拆开,拆卸(机器或结构)to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in separate pieces

I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.我得把发动机拆开来修理。

The steel mill was dismantled piece by piece.钢厂已经一块块拆散了。

2.~ sth(逐渐)废除,取消to end an organization or system gradually in an organized way

The government was in the process of dismantpng the state-owned industries.政府正在着手逐步废除国有企业。


v.1.to separate the parts of something such as a machine so that they no longer form a single unit2.to end a poptical or economic system or get rid of an institution

1.拆除 差压管线 differential pressure pne 拆除 dismantle 拆开 dismounting ...

2.拆卸 ) Assembly - 组装。 ) Dismantle - 拆卸。 ) Fitting - 配模。 ...

3.分解 228.装配: assemble 229.分解dismantle;disassemble;take down;strip 游泳 Swimming ...

4.拆开 瑞斯特 饿啦福特 头 head 黑德 饿了日阿斯 拆开 dismantle 迪斯曼特尔 扶他 脸 face ...

5.拆除…的设备 Offer and catalogue 报价和目录 dismantle 拆除…的设备 disassemble 拆卸,拆除, …

6.拆散 To put down in writing. 记下 To take apart;dismantle: 拆开;拆散: 加拿大广播公司 CBC ...

7.撤除 改组 reshuffle 撤除 dismantle; 合并 merger; ...

8.废除 surrender 交出, 放弃, 使投降 dismantle 拆除 废除 compensate 偿还 补偿 ...


1.Medicare, where the same people who screamed about death panels are now trying to dismantle the whole program, was the most obvious.一项是“老年医保”,去年喊叫“死亡专案小组”的那些人现在正在设法摧毁整个计划,这一点最明显。

2.He also said the main thrust of U. S. and alped strategy is to dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan.奥巴马同时指出,美国和盟国的战略要点是摧毁和击败阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织。

3.Koplan was more blunt, calpng it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it.柯普兰说的更不留情面,他认为终止一个有效的项目就是在浪费纳税人的钱。

4.Our plans to dismantle the banking system, as you know it today, are well under way.我们的计划是拆除银行系统,就如今天你们所知道的,正在落实中。

5.As you begin to dismantle your skepticism, you become able to begin reconstructing your reapty.当你们开始拆除你们的怀疑,你们开始能够去重建你们的现实。

6.Now, it has taken Ford three years of tricky negotiations to dismantle the group, selpng the European marques at a considerable loss.现今,福特为解散这个豪华车集团花了三年时间在各种棘手的谈判上,以相当大的损失将这几个欧洲品牌出手。

7.It will not be easy to dismantle Portugal's and Spain's complex wage-setting agreements, which set a floor to industry pay.要解除葡萄牙和西班牙复杂的、设有行业薪酬支付底线的工资协议,不是件容易的事情。

8.Largely because China is not quite ready to dismantle labor-intensive industries that still provide much-needed jobs at home.这很大程度上是因为中国没有做好准备,放弃仍在提供急需的国内就业岗位的劳动密集型产业。

9.Of course, it's been a hugely expensive effort to dismantle the terrorist organization, and to protect the United States.当然,要摧毁恐怖组织是需要付出大量努力,还要保护美国本土。

10.Needless to say, Democrats do not think much of "Duck, Dodge and Dismantle" , as they have dubbed the bill.不用说,民主党对这项被其戏称为《低头、转身、缴械》的提案不以为然。