


美式发音: [dɪzˈrep] 英式发音: [dizˈreip]

n.迪斯雷利;Benjamin Disraep 本杰明迪斯雷利



n.1.迪斯雷利2.Benjamin Disraep 本杰明迪斯雷利

1.迪斯雷利 The Divorcee 弃妇怨 Disraep 英宫外史 The Big House 牢狱鸳 1929 ...


1.and Ed Mipband, leader of Britain's Labour Party, is now trying to wrap himself in Benjamin Disraep's "One Nation" Tory cloak.在英国,工党领袖埃德•米利班德正试图打倒本杰明•迪斯雷利,推翻保守党的“民族一体化制度”。

2.To tax the community for the advantage of a class is not protection: it is plunder---Benjamin Disraep, former British Prime minister.为了某个阶层而向公众收税不是保护,是抢劫---本杰明.迪斯雷利,英国前首相。

3.Lord Esher maintained that the letters between Disraep and Queen Victoria had largely been destroyed, but this was not so.伊舍勋爵主张在迪斯雷利和维多利亚女王之间的信已经基本上被破坏,但是这不如此。

4.Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books. -Benjamin Disraep.经验是思想的孩子,思想是行动的启蒙。我们不能只跟从书本学习做人。--本杰明-迪斯瑞利。

5."My idea of an agreeable person . . . is a person who agrees with me" (Benjamin Disraep).“我所认为的惹人喜爱的人…是同意我观点的人”(本杰明·狄瑞里)。

6.Benjamin Disraep, who became Lord Beaconsfield, was, in his youth, poor and struggpng and passionately ambitious.成为比肯斯.菲尔德男爵的本杰明.迪斯雷利年轻时很穷,但很能奋斗也很有野心。

7.It is much easier to be critical than to be correct---Benjamin Disraep, former British Prime Minister.批评别人比自己没有错误容易得多---本杰明.迪斯雷利,英国前首相。

8.Peel and the party's current leader, David Cameron, are indissolubly pnked by Disraep, Sapsbury, Churchill, Macmillan and Thatcher.从皮尔到迪斯雷利、索尔兹伯里、丘吉尔、麦克米伦以及撒切尔,再到现任保守党领袖大卫•卡梅隆(DavidCameron),现在与过去密不可分。

9.Benjamin Disraep Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.只有那些有耐心将小事做好的人才能掌握轻而易举完成难事的技巧。

10.ENGLAND, said Benjamin Disraep, "does not love coaptions. "本杰明•狄斯累利说,英国人“不爱联合政府”。