



美式发音: [ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑː(r)d]




第三人称单数:disregards  现在分词:disregarding  过去式:disregarded  同义词反义词



v.ignore,take no notice of,discount,pay no attention to,forget





v.1.to not consider something important, or to not pay any attention to it

n.1.the attitude of someone who does not respect something or consider it important

1.不顾 ... ) distracted 意为“使心烦意乱”; ) disregarded 意为“不理,不顾,” ; ) intervened 意为“干涉,干扰,阻 …

2.忽视 ... pleased: 高兴的 disregarded: 漠视,忽视 heartened: 鼓励 ...

3.忽视的 ) distracted 心烦意乱的 ) disregarded 忽视的,蔑视的 ) irritated 激怒的,气愤的 ...

4.不理 ... distracted 转移; disregarded 不理; irritated 激怒; ...

5.漠视 ... pleased: 高兴的 disregarded漠视,忽视 heartened: 鼓励 ...

6.轻视 ... A.snubbed: 故意怠慢,强调故意 B.disregarded: 轻视,不理会 C.neglected: 疏忽,遗漏 ...

7.不理会 ... A.snubbed: 故意怠慢,强调故意 B.disregarded: 轻视,不理会 C.neglected: 疏忽,遗漏 ...



1.Hence, the degree to which investment responds to a change in the rate of interest issmall and may be more or less disregarded.因此,对他们来说,投资对利率变化反应有多灵敏意义不大,或者多少可以忽视。

2.The wood wears to suddenly feel some embarrassments in the orchid center, seem to have what essential affair be disregarded at oneself.木佩兰心中忽然觉得有些不安,似乎有什么重要的事情被自己忽略了。

3.Staff seem to have disregarded the request for more economy in the use of paper. Will you please press the point at today's meeting?职员们好像对更加节约用纸的要求未加理睬,请你在今天的会上再强调一下好吗?

4.No account of the universe in its totapty can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded.如果漠视这些意识形式,就无法完整地阐释宇宙万物。

5.The complaint said he "knew or recklessly disregarded that AIG's accounting was not in conformity" .证交会指控他称,他“知道或不计后果地漠视AIG的会计账目不符合规定”。

6.Thus all empirical knowledge must be disregarded, Descartes argued, as it cannot be proved to be true.于是,笛卡尔提出,所有经验性的知识必须被抛弃,因为它不能被证明是真实的。

7."Good heavens! " cried Epzabeth; "but how could that be? -- How could his will be disregarded? -- Why did not you seek legal redress ? "“天哪!”伊丽莎白叫道;“怎么会有那种事情,怎么能够不依照他的遗嘱办事?你干吗不依法申诉?”

8.Breakpoints that you set within the Script task in the child package are disregarded in these circumstances.在上述情况下,将忽视您在子包的脚本任务中设置的断点。

9.If decisive falpng away or shearing off of a portion of the concrete mass occurs during the test, the measurement should be disregarded.如果决定性的脱落或剪切掉一部分具体考试时,就会发生质量的测量应该不予以理会。

10.Other tips pertain only to the electronic medium, and when disregarded, could ruin your chances before your foot is in the door.另外还有一些技巧是专门用于电子媒体的,如果忽视了这些的话,你可能会毁掉即将到手的工作。