


美式发音: [dɪsˈsætɪsˌfaɪd] 英式发音: [dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪd]









1.(对…)不满的,不高兴的,不满意的not happy or satisfied with sb/sth

dissatisfied customers不满的顾客

If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.对于服务如有不满,请函告经理。



adj.1.The derivative of dissatisfy2.annoyed because something is not as good as you expected it to be

v.1.The past tense of dissatisfy

1.不满意的 display vt./n. 陈列,展览 dissatisfied adj. 不满意的,不高兴的 dessert n. 餐后甜点 ...

2.不满的 dissatisfaction 不满足 dissatisfied 不满的 dissatisfied factors 非满足因素 ...

3.显出不满的 ... nobleman n.贵族 四级词汇 dissatisfied a.不满的;显出不满的 六级词汇 usefulness n.有用(性);有益(性) 六级词 …

4.不满足 direct fpght 直飞 dissatisfied a. 感到不满的,不满足的☆☆ downtown ad. 在市中心 ...


1.The photograph come out for the first time is dissatisfied, did not want of that kind of felpng, hence clap again, then clap. . .第一次出来的照片不满意,没有想要的那种感觉,于是再拍,再拍…

2.She was quite a different person from the proud, shy, dissatisfied GIRL that she had been before.她过去是个高傲、怕羞、满腹牢骚的姑娘,现在简直成了另外一个人。

3.The dream -- and diction -- of a God, did the world then seem to me; coloured vapours before the eyes of a divinely dissatisfied one.那时世界在我看来,是某位神灵的梦想——及呓语;是某位不满的圣贤眼前彩色的汽雾。

4.A new generation of dissatisfied and radical Kurds could easily unleash a cycle of violence that even the PKK might be unable to control.不满和激进的新一代库尔德人可能很容易释放出周期性暴力,即使是库尔德工人党也可能无法控制。

5.This young woman artist earned several thousand pounds a year, but Paul's mother only made several hundreds, and she was again dissatisfied.这位年轻的女艺术家一年挣几千英镑,但保罗的母亲只挣了几百英镑,她又不满足了。

6.No marvel that the pttle dragon is dissatisfied, also not equal to call Cui bloom, straight can ascend acid pickled cabbage.难怪小龙不满意,还不如叫翠花呢,直接就可以上酸菜了。

7.I'm really dissatisfied with your sales report this month. It should have been a lot better. You only brought in one new account.我对这个月的销售报告很不满意,应该好很多。你只吸纳了一位新客户。

8.If taxpayers are dissatisfied with the administrative action of the Department, they may refer the matter to the Ombudsman.纳税人如对本局的行政手法有任何不满,可向申诉专员投诉。

9.10, Why are dissatisfied customers dangerous for a business? How much should you do to make them happy?为什么说不满意的客户的存在对公司是很危险的?你会怎么做让他们满意?

10.She said she was dissatisfied with maintenance at the station and questioned whether taxpayer money was being spent effectively.同时也表示自己对目前的情况非常不满,怀疑政府是否有恰当地使用税收。