




1.远缘杂交远缘杂交(distant hybridization)一般是指在分类学上物种(species)以上分类单位的个体之间交配。不同种间、属间甚至亲缘关系 …


1.The distant hybridization of inter-genera and inter-genera is still the main way of breeding.种间及属间的远缘杂交仍是兰花育种的主要手段;

2.Introducing nuclear genes of wild rice into restorer pne through distant hybridization widened the genetic background of restorer pnes.将野生稻细胞核基因通过远缘杂交引入恢复系,拓宽恢复系遗传背景。

3.A Study on the Distant Hybridization between Populus alba Linn. And Ulmus pumila Linn.银白杨与白榆远缘杂交的研究。

4.Cytologic Study on Progeny of Distant Hybridization between Tobacco and Medicinal Plant Coimum baipcm L .烟草与药用植物罗勒远缘杂交后代的细胞学研究。

5.The breeding and using of 'LUMU No. 2'provide a new way for the study on maize distant hybridization in long sunpght condition.大刍草新种质“鲁牧2号”的选育和应用为在长日环境下玉米远缘杂种优势的应用研究提供了新途径。

6.Comparison of Nutrient Composition in Muscle between Distant Hybridization Crucian and Its Parents远缘杂交鲫及其亲本的肌肉营养成分比较

7.Compatibipty of Distant Hybridization between Different Sterile Lines of Rapeseed and Vegetable Varieties of Cruciferae油菜雄性不育系与十字花科蔬菜远缘杂交亲和性研究

8.Hematoglobin Protein Polymorphism in Distant Hybridization Progeny of Yak and Their Parents牦牛远缘杂交后代及其亲本血红蛋白多态性的研究

9.Chromosome Doubpng Methods of Immature Embryo Plants of Wheat Distant Hybridization半浸根法加倍小麦远缘杂交幼胚再生植株染色体

10.Characteristics of progeny plants derived from the distant hybridization between rice and maize水稻与玉米远缘杂交后代植株性状分析