



美式发音: [dɪˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n]



复数:distinctions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make distinction,draw distinction,see distinction,ignore distinction

adj.+n.clear distinction,important distinction,fine distinction,real distinction,essential distinction





n.1.a difference between two things2.an unusual achievement or feature that makes someone or something different from other people or things3.the excellent quapties, skills, or features that someone or something has4.an honor given to a student who has achieved a very high standard, or a grade that shows this5.an honor given to someone who has achieved a very high standard in their work or who has helped many people1.a difference between two things2.an unusual achievement or feature that makes someone or something different from other people or things3.the excellent quapties, skills, or features that someone or something has4.an honor given to a student who has achieved a very high standard, or a grade that shows this5.an honor given to someone who has achieved a very high standard in their work or who has helped many people

1.区分 obtainable 可得到的 distinctions 区别;特性 bourgeoisie 资产阶级 ...

3.差别 ... technically: 技术上 distinctions: 差别,不同 trap: 设圈套,设陷阱 ...

4.特性 obtainable 可得到的 distinctions 区别;特性 bourgeoisie 资产阶级 ...

5.获奖 授课( Teaching) 获奖( Distinctions) 学术期刊著作( Journal Articles) ...


1.My motto has always been: A career open to all talents, without distinctions of birth.我的座右铭永远是:事业向所有的天才开放,没有身份的区别。

2.In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane; to be cheerful was to be frivolous-she drew no distinctions.在她看来,欢笑就是亵渎神明,高兴就是轻薄,--她看不出其间有什么区别。

3.It was for just such distinctions that the young man cherished his old New York even while he smiled at it.正是由于这种差别,年轻人即使在嘲笑他的老纽约的时候依然怀念它。

4.As you may recall, memories, distinctions, and bepefs exist in the form of energy - specifically, structured energy.你可以用能量的方式,尤其是有组织的能量来回忆、记忆、辨别和相信。

5.Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds or levels, no divergencies and no distinctions.其实只有一种爱,它既没有个别的部分,也没有程度之分,亦无种类或层次之别,更没有歧异与差别。

6.Another way of looking at the relation between modernism and postmodernism helps to clarify some of these distinctions.从另一个角度看现代主义与后现代之间的关系,以上的差别就会更明显。

7.I do it for one week every 3-6 months, and over the years it has made a huge difference for me, always providing me with new distinctions.我每3—6个月用一次日程表,多年来它让我有了巨大的改变,总是让我有新的杰出表现。

8.Taking into account family, Yao Zhuang constitution to give up college opportunity to all distinctions into a technical institute in Taipei.考虑到家境,姚壮宪放弃了上大学的良机,以全优成绩进入台北市的一所工专。

9.Over the course of his long tenure on the Court the original distinctions eventually became inaccessible .经过马歇尔法官在最高法院的漫长任期,这些原本的差别最终变得不可接受。

10.The practical significance of these distinctions can be observed when hematopoietic stem cells or their descendants are transplanted.这项特性的实质意义,可从移植造血干细胞或其子代细胞的实验观察出来。