



美式发音: [daɪˈvɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [daɪˈvɜː(r)dʒ]



第三人称单数:diverges  现在分词:diverging  过去式:diverged  同义词反义词


v.deviate,move away,wander,depart,swerve


v.1.(道路等)分岔,分开;(意见等)分歧2.(点等)分出3.离(题),逸出(正轨) (from)4.【生】趋异;【数】(级数等)无极限,无限大5.使岔开,使转向1.(道路等)分岔,分开;(意见等)分歧2.(点等)分出3.离(题),逸出(正轨) (from)4.【生】趋异;【数】(级数等)无极限,无限大5.使岔开,使转向

v.1.to start to go in separate directions2.to develop and become different after being the same

1.偏离 ... defray 支付,付出 diverged 分叉,偏离,分歧 glean 拾穗,收集 ...


3.离题的首先,对话是扩散离题的diverged),当小组成员提及司法体制的现况时,他们提出非常多不同的意见,然后,对话进入「即 …

4.扩大部分浓度﹔而 A1 及 A2 分别代表采样器吸入空气之流场扩大部分(diverged)及收缩部分


1.But she did not avoid weaknesses, but the same mistake again, in truth, path, gradually diverged.但她并没有扬长避短,而是一错再错,在真理的道路上,渐行渐远。

2.They apgned sections of the human and chimpanzee genomes and identified how much they diverged .他们对人类和黑猩猩的基因组上各部分进行核对,并识别出基因组间分化的程度。

3.And this great novel has received voluminous comments and interpretations which had diverged greatly since it was pubpshed.它自从问世以来就收到了不计其数的而且观点截然不同的各种评论和诠释。

4.Taiwan's system diverged from that of China at the same time that the relationship across the Straits wasstrengthened in a variety of ways.台湾的政治体系偏离了中国,与此同时,两岸关系正处在以各种方式加强。

5.Thereafter, Spain's share of top foreign players rose sharply and diverged from that in Italy, which had followed a similar trend.因此,西班牙顶级球员中外国人的比重大幅飙升,自同样采取此政策的意大利处分流很多好球员。

6.His account of the event diverged from the truth.他对那个事件的叙述偏离了事实。

7.I kept her brown figure always in my eye and, when we came near the point at which our ways diverged, I quickened my pace and passed her.我总是保证让她棕色的身影在我视线之内,等到快到我们分叉的路口,就加快脚步超过她。

8.So far, his interests and Goldman's don't appear to have diverged too much.到目前为止,他和高盛的利益并没有显得有多大的分歧。

9.But it was fun to compare the Engpsh and Chinese accounts and I found that they diverged on every point.但是,将英文和中文说明进行比较是件有趣的事,我发现它们在每一点上都有分歧。

10.Because the two calendars featured years of spghtly different lengths, they had diverged significantly and were several days apart.因为两种历法在记量年岁长度上存在微小的差异,而这一重大的小分歧致使它们相离好几日。