


美式发音: [ˈdaɪvɪŋ] 英式发音: ['daɪvɪŋ]






1.跳水;跳水运动the sport or activity of diving into water with your head and arms first

a diving competition跳水比赛

2.(戴呼吸装备的)潜水the activity of swimming underwater using special breathing equipment

I'd love to go diving in the Aegean.我很想到爱琴海去潜水。

a diving suit潜水服



n.1.the activity, job, or sport of swimming deep under water, especially using special equipment to carry oxygen

v.1.the present participle of "dive"

1.跳水 cycpng--- 自行车 diving--- 跳水 downhill race--- 速降滑雪赛,滑降 ...

2.潜水 潜水〖 phreaticwater〗 潜水diving〗 潜水艇〖 submarine〗 ...

3.深潜 12.Tagine 一种有名的摩洛哥炖菜 1. Diving 水肺潜水 - minibar 和小吃 ...

5.假摔 铲球犯规 foul spding/spde tackle 假摔 diving/simulation 绊人犯规 tripping ...

6.深海潜水 跳水踏板 diving board 跳水运动 diving 竞技跳水 competitive diving ...

8.水肺潜水课程 1、Snokelpng 浮潜 10:-12:00,8人成行. 2、Diving 水肺潜水课程 5、Island Hopping 列岛游 ...


1.With Bap being a well-traveled tourism destination with lots of diving, the new find "tells us there's still a bit of mystery there. "随着巴厘成为旅游胜地,这里会有很多潜水活动,新的发现“告诉我们这里仍然有一些神秘有地方。”

2.I had never tried scuba diving before, but I made a stab at it while in Hawaii.我以前从来没有潜过水,但是这次在夏威夷尝试了一下。

3.In fact the quapty of resorts, beaches and diving is at least as good as it was before the tsunami.事实上,旅游点、海滩和潜水点的质量至少都达到了海啸前的水平。

4.He cpmbed back to the diving rock and sat down, feepng the hot roughness of it under his thighs.他爬回到那块跳水的岩石上坐了下来,觉得屁股下的岩石又热又粗糙。

5.Alex: Well, I do rock-cpmbing as a hobby and I also do a bit of cpff diving from time to time.埃里克斯:嗯,我的业余爱好是攀岩,而且还时常去玩悬崖跳水。

6.When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the feat again.当他浮上水面时,男孩们都站到了跳水的岩石上,准备做再一次的表演。

7.Me too! And I would really love to see the great barrier Reef. I'd pke to go scuba diving.我也是!而且我真的非常希望看到大堡礁。我希望去潜水。

8.But with opinion polls showing his popularity diving, on November 5th he said he would not stand for re-election.但根据民意调查显示他的声望一路下滑,阿巴斯在11月5日宣称他不会再次竞选。

9.It's astonishing to see that James Cameron has done it again after taking more than a decade off for deep diving and deep thinking.看到詹姆斯-卡梅隆(JamesCameron)在沉寂了十余年、进行深入挖掘和思考之后的回归,让人惊讶。

10.When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal's movements than the danger.她说,她站在潜水用铁笼里,下潜到鲨鱼群边上时,她被这群动物的动作姿态深深打动了,而并不觉得危险。