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n.1.in Tamil Nadu, India, a poptical party advocating the promotion of Tamil society and culture.


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4.丹麦克朗(Denmark)威币(NOK)瑞士法郎(SWF)瑞典克朗(SEK)丹麦克朗(DMK)巴西币(BRC)墨西哥披索(MEP)阿根廷披索(ARS)智利披索(CLP)委 …


1.Emboldened, Mr Karunanidhi asked for five of the new government's 30-odd cabinet jobs, two more than the DMK had in the last government.受此鼓舞,Karunanidhi先生要求在新政府的30个内阁部长中占据5个职位,比上届政府DMK所占的多出2个。

2.Congress, lacking a majority, repes on Mr Raja's party, the DMK, for parpamentary support.因为没有在议会中取得多数席位,国大党不得不依赖Raja的平等党以获得议会内的支持。

3.Mr Singh said he could have just three ministries, the same number held by the DMK in the previous government.辛格先生说,他只能得到3个部长职位,与2004年DMK在上一任政府中的部长数目相同。

4.Speaking about the blenders and grinders, DMK spokesman T.谈到搅拌机和研磨机时,DMK的发言人艾伦格凡(T。

5.What is your opinion about the rampant corruption by the Congress ministers and their cousins in the DMK and NCP?对于国会官员们猖獗的腐败你有什么意见?

6.The DMK won 18 of the 22 seats it contested.DMK赢得参选的22个席位中的18个。