




1.二巯基丙磺酸钠此外,早期试用二巯基丙磺酸钠DMPS)或同时配伍大量维生素B6, 能降低病死率,改善预后 毒品滥用中毒 1.由单纯的毒 …

2.二巯丙磺钠③二巯丙磺钠(DMPS),疗效高,不良反应少.用于汞,砷,铜,锑的解毒。5%的液体 肌注5ml,1日/次,3天为一疗程。

3.二巯丙磺酸(三)其它络合剂:如二巯丙磺酸DMPS)排铜效果较强,毒性较低。  三、对症治疗: 肌强直及震颤明显可用美多芭或安坦…

4.螯合剂若体内含有过多的重金属,可口服或注射 的螯合剂DMPS),促使它们与重金属结合,再由肾脏排出体外。 基因是青春永驻 …


6.二疏丙磺钠(二)二疏丙磺钠DMPS )利用其琉基(一SH )与铜结合,形成不易解离的无毒性络合物而由尿排出。smg / kg 溶于5 %葡 …


1.DMPS is actively secreted by the kidney and is quite effective in removing certain toxic metals from the kidney parenchyma as well.DMPS主要由肾脏排出,因此可以有效移出肾脏中的一些有毒重金属。

2.The effects of organic depressant DMPS on jamesonite and pyrrhotite have been studied.研究了有机抑制剂DMPS对脆硫锑铅矿和磁黄铁矿的抑制作用。

3.But the music industry has had a troubled relationship with DMPs through their pves.而且音乐界与数字音乐播放器之间的关系历来都是矛盾重重。

4.Results show that DMPS has a good depression on pyrrhotite , but hardly has any depression on Jamesonite.结果表明,DMPS对磁黄铁矿有很好的抑制作用,对脆硫锑铅矿几乎无抑制作用。

5.Intravenous DMPS is primarily excreted in the urine and to a minor extent in the feces .静脉注射DMPS主要是从尿液排出,一小部分由粪便排出。

6.The behavior of TET poisoned rabbits was observed after iv administration of DMPS.观察静脉注射二巯丙磺钠治疗后TET中毒家兔的行为变化;

7.Next is the news that in the last week of August, Sony's Walkman DMPs outsold the iPod in Japan for the first time in four years .其次,在8月最后一周的新闻,索尼的Walkman数字音乐播放器在日本市场的销量四年来首次超越iPod。

8.Research on Depression Mechanism of Jamesonite and Pyrrhotite by Organic Depressant DMPS有机抑制剂DMPS对脆硫锑铅矿和磁黄铁矿抑制作用的研究

9.The cpnical effect of Na-DMPS in treating acute tetramine poisoning二巯基丙磺酸钠治疗急性毒鼠强中毒临床疗效观察