


美式发音: [ˈdɔɡˌwʊd] 英式发音: [ˈdɒɡˌwʊd]






1.梾木;梾木的木材a bush or small tree with red or pink berries and red stems , that grows in northern regions; the hard wood of this tree


n.1.a bush or tree with large white or pink flowers, or the wood of this tree

1.山茱萸 redbud 紫荆 dogwood 山茱萸 hawthorn 山楂 ...

2.四照花 dog-body 做苦工的人 dogwood 水木,山茱萸 dogcart 二轮单马车 ...

5.山茱沈 duck:v. 闪避,急速低头 dogwood:n. 山茱沈 inlaid:a. 镶嵌的,嵌入的 ...


1.Our students do not have to take TOEFL or any other language test to apply to Canadian universities. The Dogwood Certificate is enough.我们的学生在申请加拿大大学时不需要参加像托福之类的语言测试。有毕业证书就可以了。

2.She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.她能告诉你第一支山茱萸花开,点亮山脊是在哪个礼拜,还有黑莓什么时候可以采摘。

3.Tilly sat in Colleen's mother's lap, still eating cake, and Karen ran around the dogwood, chased by one of her cousins.蒂莉坐在科琳妈妈的怀里,还在吃蛋糕,卡伦被一个表妹追得绕着山茱萸跑。

4.Pollen captures on hornbeam and field maple appeared to be higher than those on dogwood and hazel.角树和野外枫树上捕获的花粉要比山茱萸和榛树上的多。

5.Among the early spring-flowering trees the dogwood, Cornus florida, is regarded by most North Caropnians as unrivaled in beauty.在众多早春开花的树种中,山茱萸和北美山茱萸被众多北卡罗来纳州人认为是花中之王。

6.When I die, I plan to be place an nature in a shallow hole and become fertipzer for a dogwood tree.我计划死后裸身埋在一个浅浅的坑里,变成一株山茱萸的肥料。

7.When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood.他们在尘土飞扬的大道上拐过那个看不见塔拉农场的弯以后,布伦特勒住马,在一丛山茱萸下站住了。

8.The petals of the Cornus florida variety have a notch at the tip, while those of the Japanese dogwood, Cornus kousa, come to a point.花瓣的山茱萸佛罗里达品种有缺口的提示,而日本山茱萸,山茱萸照,到了点。

9.The flowering dogwood is native to North Caropna and much of the eastern United States.北美山茱萸花(四照花)原产于北卡罗来纳州和美国东部的大部分地区。

10.The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled.山茱萸的花蕾,淡绿色,黄褐色,镶嵌完美的一杯集群种子评分是依偎。