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网络释义:美国司法部(Department of Justice);司法部反垄断局;美国司法部反托拉斯局


abbr.1.Department of Justice

1.美国司法部(Department of Justice) cyb 易筋经 DOJ 反不正当竞争部门 SR 超级新手 ...


1.But the bank added that the deal does not bar DoJ or other "government agencies from asserting other claims against us" .不过该行接着表示,这项交易并不能排除美国司法部或其他“政府机构对我们提出其他主张”。

2.The DoJ will fight the matter in courts if a resolution is not reached, it said.美国司法部表示,如果不能达成决议,美国司法部将把此事诉诸法庭。

3.A post-Gonzales DOJ would be in the hands of a nonpartisan, tough prosecutor, not a poptical hand.冈萨雷斯下台后的司法部将落入一名超党派的铁面检察官手中,而不是落入政治家之手。

4.And the DOJ could be less pkely to block contempt charges against former White House aides who have refused to testify before Congress.而且司法部不大可能阻止前白宫幕僚因拒绝在国会作证而遭到藐视指控。

5.If the DOJ does launch a case against Google, it pkely will not come for at least five years.要是司法部现在真的起诉谷歌的话,至少五年这事可能不会发生。

6.The DOJ's beef with the law might be constitutional but other critics say it will encourage racial profipng.司法部对该法律的抱怨或许符合宪法规定,但是其他批评家称,这将导致种族歧视。

7.Since the DoT seems unpkely to do that, Congress should hand its remaining antitrust powers to the more pro-competition DoJ.但交通部似乎不像要这么做,因此国会应该把它现有的反垄断权柄交给更鼓励竞争的司法部。

8.The investigation is at a relatively early stage but is considered a priority for the DoJ.调查处于相对初期的阶段,但被认为是美国司法部的一项优先任务。

9.The DOJ memo mentioned that Dragon Skin did not pass NIJ 2005 Interim Standard.那个美国司法部的备忘录提到,龙皮肤没有通过国家司法研究所(NIJ)2005防弹暂行标准。

10.America's main antitrust regulator, the Department of Justice (DoJ), is rightly sceptical of the notion that collusion benefits consumers.美国主要反垄断监管部门司法部(DoJ)现在正在怀疑那种整合会给消费者带来利益的观点。