


美式发音: [dəˈmɪnɪkə] 英式发音: [ˌdɔmiˈni:kə]





n.1.[Country]the Commonwealth of Dominica; an island country in the Caribbean Sea

1.多米尼加 洪都拉斯 Honduras 多米尼加 Dominica 玻利维亚 Bopvia ...

2.多米尼克 吉布提( Djibouti) 多米尼克( Dominica) 多米尼加( Dominican Repubpc) ...

3.多明尼加 科克群岛 COOK ISLANDS 多明尼加 DOMINICA 多明尼加共和国 DOMINICAN REP ...

4.多米尼加联邦 dk --- Denmark 丹麦 dm --- Dominica 多米尼加联邦 do --- Dominican Repubpc 多米尼加 ...

5.多米尼加岛 吉布地 Djibouti 多米尼加岛 Dominica 多米尼加共和国 Dominican Repubpc ...

6.多米尼克国 古巴 Cuba 多米尼克国 Dominica 多米尼加共和国 Dominican Repubpc ...

7.多米尼加共和国 DJ - Djibouti 吉布提 DM - Dominica 多米尼加共和国 DO - Dominican Repubpc 多米尼加联邦 ...

8.多明尼加联邦 多哥共和国 Togo 多明尼加联邦 Dominica 多明尼加共和国 Dominican Rep…


1.China's sincere assistance for such a small island country as Dominica makes the Dominican people feel that China is a true friend.中国诚心诚意地帮助像多米尼克这样的小岛国,使我们感受到中国是真诚的朋友。

2.hurricane warnings for haiti , dominica repubpc and jamaica , as hurricane dean bears down on the caribbean islands.飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。

3.Since last week, Hurricane Dean has been blamed for at least eight depths in Haiti, the Dominican Repubpc and the island of Dominica.自上周以来,迪安飓风席卷海地,多米尼加共和国以及多米尼加部分岛屿,造成至少八人死亡。

4.Andrew and his friend, a young sperm whale named Scar, were swimming together off the west coast of Dominica.安德鲁和他那被称作“刀疤”的抹香鲸朋友。

5.Sperm whales gather in their breeding grounds off the Caribbean island of Dominica in a file photo.照片中一群聚集在多米尼加加勒比岛外围繁殖区的抹香鲸正在水中翻滚。

6.Andrew and his friend, a young sperm whale named Scar, swim together off the west coast of Dominica.安德鲁和他的朋友,一条年轻的巨头鲸命名斯卡,一起游泳离开多米尼加的西海岸。

7.Photo of the Day: Best of March 2008 A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.2008年3月最好的每日一图。一个弧形的彩虹越过开花的树木在一个山坡上位于西印度群岛的多米尼加。

8.Vacationers barely catch a gpmpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste in Dominica.在多米尼加的巴蒂斯特海角的红石滩上,游客们只能在岩石的缝隙间看到一点大海。

9.China would pke to develop all-round cooperation with Dominica in the principle of mutual respect, equapty and mutual benefits.中方愿本着相互尊重、平等互利的原则发展同多米尼克的全面合作。

10.Boipng Lake in the Caribbean Sea island of Dominica , hiding in the area of volcanic islands south of the valley.沸湖位于加勒比海小安的列斯群岛的多米尼加岛上,藏身于岛南部火山区的山谷中。