


美式发音: [dəˈmɪnjən] 英式发音: [də'mɪnjən]



复数:dominions  同义词




1.[u]~ (over sb/sth)统治(权);管辖;支配authority to rule; control

Man has dominion over the natural world.人类拥有对自然界的统治权。

Soon the whole country was under his sole dominion.不久,他便独揽了整个国家的大权。

2.[c]领土;版图an area controlled by one ruler

the vast dominions of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的辽阔疆域

3.[c](英联邦)自治领any of the countries of the British Commonwealth that had their own government

n.1.统治权,主权,支配;管辖 (over);【法】所有权2.(英帝国的)自治领;加拿大3.疆土,领土,版图;领地

n.1.control, or the right to rule over something2.an area that is ruled by one person or government3.a country that belonged to the British Commonwealth in the past

1.领土 马尼拉|Manila 领土|Dominion 骰子镇|Dice Town ...

2.统治 7. melancholy n. 忧郁,意气消沉 8. dominion n. 统治,领土 9. sentry n. 卫兵, …

3.主权 domineering adj. 盛气凌人的;专利的 dominion n. 领土;主权 donate v. 捐 …

4.自治领 dominate 统治 dominion 领地;统治 indomitable 不可征服的 ...

6.支配 addition 增加; dominion 统治权; description 描写 ...

8.特搜机动队 Cosmos - 金刚伊达登场 Dominion - 特搜机动队 Firestorm - 火焰风暴 ...


1.At the beginning of time, the world was divided into the dominion of the good and of the evil.在时间的开端,世界就被划分成好与坏的领土。

2.How much time she might, in her own fancy, allot for its dominion, is another concern.至于她设想要为此花费多少时间,这是值得关心的另一个问题。

3.Remember that there is only one important time and is Now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.记住只有一个重要的时间就是现在,此时此刻是我们唯一可以支配的时间。

4.Rush in to wipe out the oppressors; after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you.在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。

5.One of the first buildings to be connected was the Toronto Dominion Centre, a distinctive set of office towers.系统最先接通的建筑物是一个与众不同的办公塔群——多伦多统治中心。

6.The false gods of the dark do not pke collapsing space between as they lose their dominion over the initiate as well as earth.黑暗虚假神并不喜欢两极空间的塌缩,因为这将让其失去对提升者及地球的统治。

7.The mind is one of the four lower bodies and must come under your dominion in order for you to master self.头脑是四个下级机关之一,一定要来统治,以便为你在你的掌握自我。

8.They were obpged to make peace with him and to be content with dominion over Africa, leaving Sicily to Agathocles.他们被迫与他停战,不得不满足于对非洲的统治,而把西西里留给了阿加索克利斯*。

9.The country was to be called the Dominion of Canada, but would still remain loyal to Britain as a member of the British Empire.这个国家被称为加拿大自治领,但仍然是大英帝国的一个成员,效忠英国。

10.Therefore they were useful to the dark to retain dominion over earth, and were indeed used accordingly and long ago.所以它们对于黑暗保持其在地球上的统治是很有用的,因而也在很久之前确实地被利用过。