





Employer fear a domino effect if the strike is successful.


A card, die, or domino with three pips.


A single spot or pip on a playing card, die, or domino.


The manager hasn't worked out a suitable action to reduce the domino effect.



名词复数: dominoes |


1. 带头巾的上衣; 半截假面

2. 骨牌


名词复数:dominoes, dominos


名词复数: dominoes |

1.翻译:多米诺骨牌The earthquake sent buildings tumbling into one another like failing dominoes.地震使大楼哗啦啦倒塌, 就像正在倾倒的骨牌一般。

7.翻译:[复数] 牙齿
10.翻译:【医学】连锁式(或多重)移植手术it is(或it's)domino with[俚语]完蛋了,不行了,毫无希望了make (the) domino接上全部骨牌,首先做完,首先结束变形n.dominoes domino2['dɔminəu]n.
5.翻译:(表演中的)错误变形n.doesdos domino3['dɔminəu]adj.

dominodomino[ˈdɔminəu]n.(pl.dominos, dominoes)
1.翻译:带有面具头巾的化装舞衣; (遮住眼睛和部分面孔的)黑色面具
2.翻译:穿化装舞衣戴面具的人 domino
(pl. -oes)
any of 28 small oblong pieces marked with 0–6 pips in each half
翻译:(dominoes)[treated as sing.]the game played with such pieces, in which they are laid down to form a line, each player in turn trying to find and lay down a domino with a value matched by that of a piece at either end of the line already formed
(historical)a loose cloak, worn with a mask for the upper part of the face at masquerades
late 17th cent.: from French, denoting a hood worn by priests in winter, probably based on Latin dominus 'lord, master'


名词 domino:

United States rhythm and blues pianist and singer and composer (born in 1928)

同义词:Fats Domino, Antoine Domino

a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume

a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes

同义词:half mask, eye mask

a small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes; the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots


1. The world domino topple record (303,621 men) was set in Singapore on 18th August 2003 by a 24-year-old woman from China.


2. Jimmy Wang Yang vs.MVP Mr.Kennedy vs.Shelton Benjamin rian Kendrick vs.Stevie Richards Jeff Hardy vs.The Great Khali Maria vs.Victoria Domino vs.

Big Show你现在正在观看的"SD 20080801"来自[最新电视剧 ]如果你觉得本站不错,那么就就推荐给您的朋友!

3. Dave Johnson is currently a member of the iSeries System Performance area with a focus on Domino performance.

Dave Johnson现在是iSeries System Performance领域的成员,致力于Domino性能方面的研究。

4. The Domino 7 server was also configured to take advantage of the Solaris large page support.

Domino 7服务器还能够配置为利用Solaris大页面文件支持。

5. Domino Designer automatically populates your first Java agent for you to get you started.

Domino Designer在开始时会自动为您填充第一个Java代理。

6. All the images in Domino Web Access will be stored as File Resource design elements, so they may be more easily identified and replaced.

Domino Web Access中的所有图像都将存储为File Resource设计元素,从而使它们更易于标识和替代。

7. Only when the Domino side works with the SAP side is such a solution possible.


8. Domino is still running, but is not responsive to clients.


9. The Domino executable files were installed on a single internal drive along with the operating system.


10. Domino developers will have a hard time identifying the correct design elements to modify.


11. Is the Domino server reporting error messages to the console or the log file?


12. The Domino server console does not appear, even when tasks appear to be loaded.


13. The IBM AIX platform handles memory differently than all other Lotus Domino supported platforms.

IBM AIX平台处理内存的方式与Lotus Domino支持的所有其他平台都不一样。

14. IBM Lotus Support neither certifies nor supports Domino Web Access installations using altered templates or other customizations.

IBM Lotus Support既不认可也不支持使用改变的模板或其他定制的Domino Web Access安装。

15. An important RAS change in LEI 7 is support for the Domino cluster.

LEI 7中一个重要的RAS更改是对Domino集群的支持。

16. Lotus Domino 7 also allows you to lock out a user account and to force a password change on the next authentication.

Lotus Domino 7还允许锁定用户帐号,在下次身份验证时强制更改口令。

17. The new features added to Lotus Domino Designer 7.0 Build upon the themes of tighter integration with Web standards, more interoperability with IBM technologies, and ease of use.

Lotus Domino Designer 7.0中新添加功能的作用是获得与Web标准更紧密的整合、与IBM技术更高的互操作性和易于使用性。

18. Current versions of Lotus Domino use the AIX large memory model.

Lotus Domino的当前版本使用AIX大内存模型。

19. Also, Lotus says it is putting MIME into Domino, and Novell is building into Groupwise.


20. General manager of Lotus company Liu Hong says, did this pair of gold combine AS/400 and Domino to bring new business to grow (for Lotus associate?


21. The Process Monitor task monitors the processes that should be running as part of the Domino server environment.

Process Monitor任务监控应该作为Domino服务器环境一部分运行的进程。

22. Tommy DreamerCherry vs.MaryseMontel Vontavious Porter vs.CM PunkMatt Hardy vs.Chuck PalumboFestus & Jesse vs.Deuce & Domino Batista vs.

VS163高清影视 | 最新影片,快播电影,Qvod影视,用Qvod看影视,在线看连续剧,尽在VS163高清影视Mark Henry vs.

23. Tommy DreamerCherry vs.MaryseMontel Vontavious Porter vs.CM PunkMatt Hardy vs.Chuck PalumboFestus &Jesse vs.Deuce &Domino Batista vs.

WWE SD 080613是一部经典的综艺节目,该片由内详 主演,故事讲述的是: Mark Henry vs.

24. News link makes knowledge and information having news domino offect and old news having stylishness, it also makes criticism on an incident having news value.




26. A one-time crash may be caused by bad memory or a corrupted document accessed by a process that resulted in Domino crashing.


27. A single spot or pip on a playing card, die, or domino.


28. A card, die, or domino with three pips.


29. The performance information shown in the preceding table was collected using a beta version of Domino 7, and is subject to change.

上表中显示的性能信息是使用Domino 7的一个beta版本并通过更改测试内容收集的。

30. But that is changing: Domino's has built central delivery commissaries in Shanghai and Beijing -- a sign they will build out in the near future.


31. However, some of the real estate business sales, the only other developers to follow or cause a domino effect.


32. To troubleshoot issues related to Domino Web server crashes and hangs, Lotus Software Technical Support will often ask you to create an HTTP request log.

为了故障诊断与Domino Web服务器崩溃和挂起有关的问题,Lotus Software Technical Support通常会要求您创建HTTP请求日志。

33. To help prevent this form of "cyber-squatting," we added the Limit Future reservations feature to Domino 7.

为了避免出现这种形式的“电子圈地运动”,我们在Domino 7中添加了Limit Future reservations特性。

34. Hvorfor har man med seg en fugl i bur n?r man spiller domino i parken? Syngekonkurranse? "Min fugl er finere enn din"? Luftetur?


35. Such as puzzles, domino, blocks or sawing toys, and even practicing matching colors, patterns and shapes.


36. To see how Domino 7 performance stacks up against Domino 6.5.

了解Domino 7的性能与Domino 6.5相比有多大的提高。

37. Again and again in the internal record, and in the public pronouncements, one sees references to this psychological domino theory.


38. People take photos of the fallen domino blocks near the Reichstag in Berlin on Monday, Nov. 9, 2009.


39. When the feed comprise 1%-9%MLE, they all show certain restraining effect on rising of blood glucose and have certain dosage domino offect.

从MLE 的剂量效应来看,在饲料中加入1%~9%的MLE 均表现出一定的抑制血糖升高的作用,而且有一定的剂量效应。

40. The joint goals were for Domino 7 to be of very high quality, and to validate the lab performance results in IBM deployment production environments.

他们共同的目标是使Domino 7具备较高的质量,并验证在IBM部署的生产环境中得到的实验性能结果。

41. He expects the mergers to trigger something of a domino effect.


42. Will it have a domino effect on associated Web services being timed out as well, resulting in system interruption?


43. Minto identifies the flexibility and agility of Domino as a key determinant of its success.


44. A deleted record would still show up in Domino views, for example.


45. Turn off unneeded Domino server tasks.


46. Inherent design principles consists of high-efficience principle, healthy principle, cask domino offect principle, temporality and here principle.


47. Secondly, domino model, pyramid model, reverse pyramid model, and cellular automaton model have been presented in order to explain the concepts of brittleness clearly.


48. What's the Icelandic for “domino”?


49. Analysts said safety fears and rising costs are creating the risk of a domino effect, in which companies pull out of the complex en masse.


50. Leverage the use of force to fight the way, received a strong "domino" effect.


51. Don't forget that some things that may seem unconnected are in fact very connected so that changing one thing tends to domino into others.


52. Also, please ensure that the DECS task is running on the Domino server or the activity will not start.


53. You can start with a blank form, import a form from a Domino database, or copy an existing form.


54. You may decide that you no longer need the original source Domino database and that working with only the virtual database meets all of your needs.


55. Archiving can be set up to run automatically or manually; Notes and Domino handle the rest.


56. These numbers should therefore be used primarily to understand the relative performance of the Domino releases, and do not represent recommendations for real-world deployment.


57. Other types of applications supported by team space services include HTML-enabled Domino applications and custom-built applications.


58. There were a total of 14,000 users defined in the Domino directory, all of which were active during the test.


59. At the centre window, the one hung with white damask with a red cross, was a blue domino, beneath which Franz's imagination easily pictured the beautiful Greek of the Argentina.


60. After you create the class, you can enter the rest of the agent code so that it looks like the agent from the Domino Designer example.

在创建类之后,就可以输入剩余的代理代码,从而使其看起来与Domino Designer示例中的代理一样。

61. It often takes a long time for the Domino server to actually shut down after you issue a quit or restart server command.


62. In this article, we explain how you can identify Lotus Domino server hangs and crashes, and what you can do to analyze and correct them.

在本文中,我们将解释如何识别Lotus Domino服务器挂起和崩溃,以及如何分析和纠正它们。

63. In this article, we provided an overview of the Domino security model and some specific settings to make the Domino Web server more secure in a single-server environment.

在本文中,我们概述了Domino安全模型和某些特定设置,使Domino Web服务器在单服务器环境中更安全。

64. On the chessboard coverage, in four different forms of L-type domino coverage to the special chessboard except in special box outside the box at all.


65. Here, we can see that the all-important CPU utilization has dropped 28 percent with Domino 7, while network and memory usage remain about the same.

在这里,可以看到使用Domino 7时,最重要的CPU资源占用下降了28%,同时网络和内存的使用情况几乎没有变化。

66. Earth is transforming itself and intending to act as a domino for your solar system.


67. Domino Printing Sciences will bring four significant products to drupa.


68. Since DCL China founded in 1995, Domino has become one of the most important players in Domino Group.


69. The clattering sound of the domino pieces is interrupted by players throwing jabs at one another in Spanish.


70. Most Domino application developers call the NSF file, a database.


71. As figure 2 shows, below the Domino Clustering field is the Synchronization Delay field.

如图2所示,在Domino Clustering字段的下面是Synchronization Delay字段。

72. If the server CPU and memory seem to be running excessively high, the Domino Web logs should be checked for a Denial of Service type of attack.

如果服务器CPU和内存的运用率极高,那么应该检查Domino Web日志是否存在拒绝服务型攻击。

73. If you set up Domino to regularly replicate the two Domino NSF files, then the Virtual Documents activity keeps your RDBMS table current.

如果设置Domino定期复制这两个Domino NSF文件,则Virtual Documents活动可以保持RDBMS表包含最新信息。

74. Love is the eternal topic between man and woman out of question. When a man loves a woman, love come out, just like chemical domino offect.


75. This vertical integration of ink supply gave Domino a further competitive advantage in both cost and technical compatibility.


76. You will see it has created a fair amount to get you started compared to the amount of code you get from Domino Designer when you start an agent.

将看到它创建的用于开始的代码数量与启动代理时从Domino Designer获得的代码数量相当。

77. Just like Domino, the existence of Tibetan antelopes in the Hoh Xil is an integral part.


78. We hope that you find the improved availability of the Domino cluster environment to be as big of a win for LEI as we do.


79. A playing card, die, or domino having one spot or pip.


80. Zhang Lei talks about Web2.0 from BLOG to Wiki, long trail domino effect, six angle division, Yatrack and Ajax.
