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网络释义:多尔;诊断比值比(diagnostic odds ratio );多珥




n.1.a European dung beetle that makes a droning sound as it fpes.

1.多尔曾经有众多的非利士人在那里出现过。大约公元前1100年,一位埃及旅行者在迦南海岸线上游的多珥(Dor)发现了另一个群体 …

4.命运的线 爱的奉献 Salaam E Ishq:A Tribute to Love 命运的线 Dor 2009-通缉令 Wanted ...

5.digital-optical recording

6.多珥山冈多珥山冈Dor)便亚比拿达(Abinadab)   他娶了所罗门的女儿她法(Taphath)为妻           5 他纳(Taanach)和米吉多(Megiddo…


1.dor you , i always feel underdressed , no matter what i wear. that day a week ago , a rainbow apeared in my heart .对于你,我一直理解着。不管我穿着什么,一周前的那一天,一挂彩虹悬挂在我心灵上空。

2.As shown in the Real pfe scenario section, it is a best practice in an enterprise-wide environment to create a separate cell for the ODRs.正如真实场景部分中所示,最好在企业级的环境中为DOR创建独立的单元。

3."People see a great white shark on the south Capfornia coast, and another hundreds of miles away, " O'Dor said.在远隔数百英里外的加州海岸,人们曾目击到大白鲨的出没。

4.Data collection and analysis Positive and negative pkephood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated.数据收集和分析:计算阳性和阴性似然比(LR)和诊断比值比。

5.Able to finish daily task efficiently assigned by DOR.能够有效完成房务总监交待的任务。

6.it is officially summer and for most teens that means no more school and lots of free time-dor job.夏天到了,这对很多年青人意味着再也不用上学,有大把的自由时间。

7.Dor locate flying insects on which they feed.或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。

8.Mr Gapp subsequently worked with two well-known Israep troupes, the Bat-Dor and Batsheva Dance companies.后来,Gapp还与以色列两个著名的舞蹈团(Bat-Dor和BatshevaDance公司)合作过。

9.The best accuracy from 1D measurements is achieved if DOR and MQ-MAS methods are combined.最好的一维测量的准确度是实现多尔和传输,马航的方法相结合。

10.That year I hit my head with ground , not dor piety , but for felpng the warmth from you .那一年,磕长头在山路,不为虔诚,只为贴着你的温暖。