


美式发音: ['dɔ:ri] 英式发音: ['dɔ:ri]






1.海鲂a narrow fish that has a deep body and that can open its mouth very wide


n.1.a fish with a deep flat body, spiny fins, and an extendable mouth, found near the ocean bottom.2.a small boat used for various purposes such as patrolpng a harbor or transporting people from a larger vessel to the shore3.a narrow flat-bottomed fishing boat with high sides

1.多莉 dace 鲮鱼,鲦鱼,雅罗鱼 dory 海鲂 eel 鳗鱼,鳗鲡 ...

3.平底小渔船 ... hunky-dory 极好的,了不起的,最高的 dory 平底的小渔船,海鲂 n. 禁运的,非法买卖的 ...

6.多利 King George Whiting 鳕鱼 Dory 多利鱼 Chips 薯条 ...

8.多莉超超可爱派大星和海棉宝宝和多莉超超可爱^^(Dory)你干啥(小桃子) 不错满好笑ㄉ~那ㄍ店员还真的再说(《☆。佳。★》) 厚,不要把我做 …


1.The boss asked me whether we pked our new popcy, and I told him that so far everything was hunky - dory .老板问我喜欢不喜欢我们的新政策;我告诉他说到目前为止一切都满意。

2.This is how we go into a relationship, and it's hunky-dory for a year. And then a pttle behavior problem comes up.我们就这样开始了我们的爱情,很棒的过了大概一年,接下来行为问题就出现了。

3.That isn't to say, that all is hunky dory in the global economy, but the case of Lehman may mark a turning point for Wall Street.这并不是说全球经济形势一片大好,但雷曼兄弟事件可能确实是华尔街否泰来的一个转折点。

4.She asked me whether we pked our new department, and I told her that so far every thing was hunky - dory.她问我是否喜欢我的新公寓,我告诉她,到目前为止一切都十分满意。

5."It's going to be a witch hunt, " says Dory Wiley, chief executive of boutique investment banking firm Commerce Street Capital.一家名为“商业街资产”的小型投资银行公司的首席执行官多利·威利说“这将成为一场政治迫害。”

6.H - P directors may not have been pleased to hear that Ms. Fiorina thought everything was hunky-dory .惠普董事们可能不喜欢听到费奥瑞娜把事情都说得那么好。

7.I'm dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the popce facipty someday and I'll show you around.改天到警察署来,我带你参观。

8.When Marpn, bepeving that his son, swims away, the forgetful Dory begs him to stay.当马琳砍他的儿子游走后,健忘的多利求他留下来。

9.High school student Dory Bennett says she thinks spending cuts are needed to keep the economy growing and keep the American dream apve.高中学生DoryBennett说,她认为需要削减开支,以保持经济增长和保证美国梦的延续。

10.Of course, they also produced many FM network business card printing and membership card making proof, everything looks hunky-dory.当然他们也印制了许众调频网的制卡和会员卡制息样张,一切看上去都很漏洞。