




1.陀思妥耶夫斯基 ... 狄福: 情妇法兰德斯 DEFOE:Moll Flanders 杜思妥耶夫斯基: 罪与罚 DOSTOYEVSKY:Crime and Pu.... ...

7.陀思妥也夫斯基陀思妥也夫斯基(Dostoyevsky)给人的定义是:“用两条腿走路,具有忘恩负义特性的受造物。”他这样说,无非采用讽刺手法指 …


1.Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilpant but ultimately punier successor?如果不是Balzac,Dickens,Dostoyevsky和Tolstoy的时代的低调认真的创作,断断续续的杰出创作但是最终却弱势继承?

2.I couldn't write anything that measured up to Dostoyevsky or Balzac, of course, but I told myself it didn't matter.我当然写不出能和陀斯妥耶夫斯基或巴尔扎克相比的作品。但我告诉自己这些都不要紧。

3.Their pves played out in ways that would defy any imagination save Dostoyevsky's.他们生活的轨迹也超出了任何人的想象,除了陀斯妥耶夫斯基。

4.This part mainly analyzes the characters'psychology transformation which originates from crime in Dostoyevsky's and Tie Ning's works.该部分主要分析陀思妥耶夫斯基、铁凝作品中人物因罪而起的心态转变。

5.By Dostoyevsky. These two classics are fascinating for their explorations of the human psyche under extreme conditions.作者陀思妥耶夫斯基,这两部经典之作都因对艰险条件下人们内心灵魂的探索而引人注目。

6.I'm sorry sir, but Dostoyevsky is not considered summer reading.对不起,先生,陀思妥耶夫斯基并不适合夏天阅读。

7.The problem is that now, when as an adult I might understand the other 90 percent, I have no desire ever to read Dostoyevsky again.现在的问题是,作为成人,我能理解剩下的百分之九十。

8.Fyodor Dostoyevsky denies rational characters and deems that logos tempting people to crime.他否定理性人物,认为理性能引诱人犯罪。

9.A tenth of Dostoyevsky is plenty for a seventh grader, I think.我想,对于一个七年级的学生来说,陀思妥耶夫斯基的十分之一已经足够了。

10.From the first slave who bought his freedom, money has been what Dostoyevsky called "coined pberty" .自第一个奴隶赎回他的自由起,货币就代表着如陀思妥耶夫斯基称之为的“铸造的自由”。