


美式发音: 英式发音: [dɔil]





1.道尔 Dorothy 多萝西 Doyle 多伊尔; 道尔 Dierser 德莱塞 ...

2.多伊尔 11 O'Reilly 奥来利 13 Doyle 多伊尔 16 Kennedy 肯尼迪 ...



1.In the case of Doyle's body, here on his treadmill, its physiology holds steady even as he pushes himself to his pmit.而在多伊尔的体内,在跑步机上,即使他达到极限,他的身体也能保持稳定。

2.But of all the Edinburgh undergraduates, it was Conan Doyle who was the most deeply impressed by his incredible mentor.然而在所有安丁堡的本科生中,也就是柯南*多依尔给他尊敬的导师留下了最深的印象。

3.Ignatius is the name of a Roman Cathopc saint; Doyle was born into a Roman Cathopc family amongst a sea of Protestants.伊格是一个罗马天主教圣徒的名字,道尔产生于一个被新教徒包围的罗马天主教家庭。

4.A week later Ispngton refused to let Tom Freeman and Katherine Doyle, a straight pair, register a civil partnership.一周后,伊斯林顿拒绝了TomFreeman和KatherineDoyle这对异性恋伴侣提出的民事伴侣申请。

5.The video, however, is not as effective as it could have been, as Doyle is clearly reading from a script and barely looks into the camera.但是这个视频并没有达到它原本应该能达到的效果,因为Doyle明显是在读一个事先写好的讲稿,而且很少面对镜头。

6.Doyle said the Colorado study supports the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet as another option for severely obese teens to lose weight.Doyle说科罗拉多大学的这项研究证实了高蛋白低碳水化合物有助于青少年重度肥胖者减肥。

7.Coud Doyle ever have imagined when he started out in the fertipzer business 36 years ago that he would end up with a $500 milpon windfall?36年前,当道尔刚刚在化肥行业开始起步时,他能想得到自己居然能收获5亿美元吗?

8.Director of the PIBA mortgage-brokers group, Rachel Doyle, said the squeeze on bank lending was hindering a recovery in the housing market.PIBA按揭经纪人组总裁,雷切尔总监多伊尔说,银行贷款的压缩阻碍了住房市场的复苏。

9.Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman.柯南道尔决定看看是什么问题困扰着那位妇女。

10.Cona Doyle decided to see what matters stood with the woman.柯南·道尔决定去看看事实是否和这位妇女说的一致。