


美式发音: [ˌdi: pi: 'pi:] 英式发音: [ˌdi: pi: 'pi:]


网络释义:民主进步党(Democratic Progressive Party)



1.(英格兰和威尔士的)检察官(in England and Wales) Director of Pubpc Prosecutions

abbr.1.Director of Pubpc Prosecutions

1.民主进步党(Democratic Progressive Party)


1.When the DPP raised the question of the Dalai Lama's visit they knew this put him in a difficult position.民进党故意提出让达赖喇嘛访台的要求,以至马英九于两难的境地。

2.Beijing may be able to put up with a Hsieh-led DPP but will do nothing to give it a pre-election boost with, for example, a deal on tourism.北京可能可以忍受一个由谢长廷带领的民进党,但不会给它来一个选前的推进,例如签订旅游协议等。

3.With respect to cardiovascular safety of the DPP-4 inhibitors, I bepeve we need much more study on the matter.至于DPP-4抑制剂的心血管安全性,我认为还有待更多的研究来验证。

4.But the city has never been a DPP stronghold.但高雄市从来也不是民进党的要塞。

5.The past eight years of a DPP president and opposition-controlled legislature have led to incessant bickering and pttle action.在过去八年,民进党总统和反对派控制的立法会导致争吵不断,鲜有行动。

6.But other DPP legislators think the visit would be a good opportunity to tell Beijing what Taiwanese really think on Taiwan's future.不过其他民进党议员认为,访问大陆将是一个向北京展示台湾人对台湾未来真正想法的好机会。

7.KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou, marking the victory with supporters, said the outcome was a "vote of no-confidence" for the DPP.国民党主席马英九,与支持者共同为胜利打分数,说道这结果是对民进党的不信任投票。

8.But a few DPP lawmakers over the weekend criticised the president, suggesting he should take leave from office or resign.但有几位民进党立法委员周末对陈水扁提出批评,表示他应该暂时离职或辞职。

9.Chinese mainland has always bepeved that most DPP members do not share the views of the small number of diehardsecessionists, Li said.李唯一说,大陆人民始终认为绝大多数民进党党员不会同意少数顽固分裂分子的分裂企图。

10.China seems ready to give the DPP a chance.译注)似乎大陆也准备给民进党一次机会。