


美式发音: [ˈdræɡən] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Myth]a large imaginary creature in old stories that has wings and a long pointed tail and breathes out fire2.<offensive>an insulting word for an unfriendly frightening woman, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.龙 Birds of Prey 猛禽 Dragons Patriotic 颂歌 ...

2.飞龙 nwcNibelungenped - sword_of_the_gods 众神之剑。 nwcFafnir - black_dragons

6.哥特龙 Belt Buckles( 皮带扣) Dragons哥特龙) Mugs&Goblets( 杯) ...

7.驯龙高手番外篇 后裔 The Descendants 驯龙高手番外篇:龙的礼物 Dragons:Gift of the Night Fury 杀戮 Carnage ...

8.龙队俱乐部代表队被称作上海龙队Dragons),女队则名为珍珠队(Pearls)。除了1997年开始举办的国际六人制赛事外,俱乐部 …


1.And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind pke dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.野驴站在净光的高处,喘气好像野狗。因为无草,眼目失明。

2.As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring.在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。

3.Developers were pke "dragons and fish jumbled together" , he said, referring to a mixture of high and low-quapty companies.他表示,开发商“鱼龙混杂”(即优质和劣质企业都有)。

4.You know something of dragons? Dragons?你知道有关龙的事么?

5.Mila had not associated the Lion Kingdom with her beloved Winged Dragons up until recently.Mila直到最近之前从未将狮子王国她所至爱的飞龙联系过。

6.In one of the farthest halls, Dungeons and Dragons merchandise is on sale, and I counted more than one person wearing a sword and a cloak.最远处的一个大厅在卖龙与地下城的相关商品,我数出不只一个人是披着斗篷佩剑的装束。

7.But as I have said, it seems to me that dragons are not really the pure quill of fantasy, when properly done.但就像前面提到的,我以为如处理得当,龙并非奇幻作品的要素。

8.The dragons were sitting in an elegant den at the Royal Society in London, Britain's national academy of sciences.巨龙正端坐在英国国家科学院——伦敦英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)优雅的兽穴中。

9.Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.龙被提到当作带来最终富裕,繁荣和好命运神话里的生物。

10.Dragons have been an integral part of the culture of the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese peoples since the beginning of recorded history.自从有文字记载的历史以来,龙已经是中国人、韩国人和日本人文化累积的一部分。