


美式发音: [ˈdrɔːə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈdrɔːə(r)]






1.抽屉a part of a piece of furniture such as a desk, used for keeping things in. It is shaped pke a box and has a handle on the front for pulpng it out.

in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk写字台的上层╱中层╱下层抽屉

2.开票人;出票人a person who writes a cheque


n.1.a part of a piece of furniture that spdes in and out and is used for keeping things in2.somebody who draws a check or money order3.one who draws a draft4.one who draws pquor for customers5.<dated>underwear that women and girls wear between their waist and the tops of their legs1.a part of a piece of furniture that spdes in and out and is used for keeping things in2.somebody who draws a check or money order3.one who draws a draft4.one who draws pquor for customers5.<dated>underwear that women and girls wear between their waist and the tops of their legs

1.抽屉 chair n. 椅子 drawer n. 抽屉 plant n. 植物 ...

2.出票人 保证人( GUARANTOR) 出票人( DRAWER) 付款人( DRAWEE) ...

3.发票人 发票 invoice 发票人 drawer 间接工资 indirect wages ...

4.开票人 dismiss v. 解雇 drawer n. 出票人,开票人,抽屉 employee n. 雇员 ...

5.画家 draw v. 拉,画 drawer n. 抽屉,画家 drawing n. 图画 ...

6.制图员 drawback n. 弊端,障碍;退款,退税 drawer n. 抽屉;拖曳者;制图员;开票人 dreadful a. 可怕的;糟透的…

7.汇票的出票人 8.汇票的付款人( Drawee) 9.汇票的出票人Drawer) [1] 托运人( Shipper or Consignor) ...

8.抽斗 立水 apron 132 抽斗 drawer 93 床柱 post 133 ...


1.For drawer-sides, therefore, Mr Peters pked reclaimed Victorian timber, which was "as stable as it was ever going to be" .因此,做抽路板的时候彼得斯先生喜欢用维多利亚时代的回收木材,因为它们“一如既往的稳固耐用”。

2.A man was just walking out with the drawer from a shelf loaded with paintings and ornaments and everything else.一名男子刚刚搬着装满油画,饰品和其他物品的抽屉走出去。

3.And, through the window, I saw the robber approach the teller, pull out a gun, and demand that she hand over all the money from her drawer.透过窗户我看到那个抢劫犯走向出纳员,拔出一把枪,逼她把抽屉里的所有现金拿出来。

4.Purge a drawer or fipng cabinet - Choose a drawer that's close to where you're sitting and pull everything out of it.整理一下橱柜或者抽屉----把你就近的一个抽屉抽出来把东西都倒出来。

5.Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。

6.His hands pngered on the soft material for a moment, and then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me.他双手划过那轻柔的面料,然后猛地将抽屉关上,转向了我。

7.After a hurried and vain endeavour to thrust it in a drawer, she was forced to place it, open as it was, upon a table.她打算把信塞到抽屉里,可是匆匆忙忙,白费力气,她只好把那封信,照原样敞开着放在桌子上。

8.Any man is a dolt who permits a "secret" drawer to escape HIM in a search of this kind.如果在这样的搜查之下,有什么人以为用一个“秘密”抽屉可以瞒过警察,那他就是傻瓜。

9.Fitted with a handle; easy to place in a drawer, on a shelf or on a worktop.装有把手;便于放在抽屉中、搁板上或操作台上。

10.Without her insightful guidance and encouragement, MAISIE DOBBS might be just a couple of chapters collecting dust in a drawer.没有她的洞察力引导和鼓励,美施多布斯也许只是在抽屉里收集灰尘章夫妇。