




1.德里斯科尔 Driver 德赖弗 Driscoll 德里斯科尔 Drew 德鲁 ...

2.德里斯科队在一场中学生美式足球的锦标赛上,第四节身穿红衣服的德里斯科队Driscoll),还落后黄衫军温西尔(Driscoll)队6分, …

3.德累斯高尔 Drake 龙 Driscoll 口译员 Duane 黑黝黝 ...

6.崔斯可 瑞吉诺爵士( Sir Reginald) 崔斯可Driscoll) 康纳( Connor) ...

7.使者 Doyle 黑暗的陌生人 Driscoll 使者 Duff 深蓝色的 ...

8.美国皇牌草莓 Persimmon 纽西兰富有柿 Driscoll 美国皇牌草莓 16 X 250G/Ctn 每箱十六兜 ...


1."It would be very disappointing if they were to revisit the investment agreement, " said Andrew Driscoll, analyst at CLSA.“如果他们要重新考虑投资协议的条款,会非常令人失望,”里昂证券(CLSA)分析师金安德(AndrewDriscoll)指出。

2.Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana Coastal Initiative's Driscoll.很多滨海鸟类现在正配对、求偶、筑巢,路易斯安娜海岸环保促进会的德里斯科尔指出。

3.I walked in last week just as they were setting up a luscious display of Driscoll's organic raspberries at $1. 50 per 6-ounce carton.上周我走进店里的时候,他们正在摆设香甜的Driscoll有机山莓,一盒6盎司的纸箱子只要1.5美元。

4.Car production takes a tremendous amount of capital, notes Carter Driscoll, a senior alternative energy analyst with Capstone Investments.来自Capstone投资公司的替代性能源高级分析师卡特尔•德瑞斯克尔表示,汽车生产需要巨额资金。

5.According to Prof O'Driscoll, Fuqua sees the venture as one part of a larger programme to use new technology to disseminate its lectures.奥德里斯科尔教授表示,福库将iTunesUniversity视为该院利用新技术传播讲座的更大规模方案的一部分。

6.Driscoll added: "We're setting up an industry stakeholder group to focus on the key barriers [to GHG emissions reduction]. "德里斯科尔补充道:“我们正在建立一个行业利益相关组织,以集中消灭(温室气体减排的)主要障碍”。

7.I'm sorry we'll lose the ransom, but it was either that or Bill Driscoll to the madhouse.比尔接着说,“很遗憾我们没有了赎金,但是如果不这样,我比尔•德利斯科尔会被送进疯人院的。”

8.Tesla's tech for these parts is some of the best in the business, according to Driscoll.据德瑞斯克尔所说,特斯拉在这些方面的技术属于业内顶尖。

9."I think it ought to be repeated in study setting before implementing, " said Driscoll.“我认为在实施之前应该进行多次研究。”Driscoll说。

10.Mr Driscoll dismisses the idea that universities will use variabipty to price such courses more attractively.德里斯科尔先生并不认为各大学会运用可调整的学费价格来使这些学科更具吸引力。