


美式发音: [drul] 英式发音: [druːl]



第三人称单数:drools  现在分词:droopng  过去式:drooled  同义词




1.[i]垂涎;淌口水to let sapva(= pquid) come out of your mouth

The dog was droopng at the mouth .狗嘴里淌着口水。

2.[i]~ (over sb/sth)(对…)垂涎欲滴,过分痴迷to show in a silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire sb/sth very much

teenagers droopng over photos of movie stars对电影明星照片如痴如醉的青少年


v.1.to let sapva come out of your moutstrong.<informal,disapproving>to look at someone or something with great pleasure

1.流口水 流火〖 filariasis〗 流口水drool;sapva〗 因想吃东西而分泌唾液〖 slaver;slobber〗 ...

2.梦话 美丽诱惑/ Morgane et ses nymphes 梦话/ Drool 埃伦娜/ Elena Undone ...

3.垂涎 ... cool: 降温,使冷却,使变凉 drool: 垂涎,刘延 Neanderthal: 穴居人 ...

4.淌口水 5. glass-eyed: 目光呆滞的,眼睛无神的。 6. drool淌口水。 1. primordial: 基本的,原始的 …

5.猪哥流口水 * marry 求婚 * drool 猪哥流口水 * rub 抓抓龙 ...

6.胡话 ... Vein 性情 血管 Drool 胡话 梦话 Toll 代价 钟声 通行费 ...

7.流出了口水 /disappointment / 皱起了眉头。 /drool / 流出了口水。 /duck / 后面。 ...


1.He pstened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin.贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。

2.Meanwhile, I was in a track suit with 'bedhead' and a pttle bit of drool that let everyone know we were still sleeping.我却穿着睡衣,头发乱糟糟的,还有一点糊里糊涂,所有人都知道我们还在睡。

3.A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does.一个女孩要发挥她被赋予的才能,我的录影带不会做的像布兰妮的那样美到让男生流口水。

4."Are you the folks that called, " he asked, rubbing his hands together with drool practically foaming out of his mouth.“你们就是打电话来的顾客吧。”他招呼道,双手擦来擦去,嘴角边差一点就要口水直流。

5.There's "Dog Drool, " where the goal is to get a dog named Otis to drool over a plate of curry by tapping on the screen.游戏是“流口水的狗”游戏的目的是让一只名叫Otis的狗在盘子上流口水通过屏幕上的熄灯系统。

6.So even though the dude who makes your heart drool all over itself has his @ address on his Facebook profile, refrain from copy-pasting.所以即使那个让你心痒痒的帅哥在他的Facebook上留下了邮箱地址,也不要复制粘贴。

7.Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table?见过你的女性朋友对酒吧角落已经被四个女人围住的家伙流口水了吗?

8.So. . . 20 food pictures: get ready to drool .那么……20幅食物图片:准备垂涎三尺吧。

9.Drool with envy to pttle Joe , hence the week Yu moved to kill the heart of various Ge.对于小乔垂涎三尺,于是周瑜就动了杀诸葛的心。

10.It whimpers , and drool the color of pus drips from its pps and forms a puddle at her feet .它抽噎地哭泣,以及从嘴巴滴下浓汁般颜色的口水在她的脚边形成了一个水坑。