



美式发音: [ˈdrɑpˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈdrɒpaʊt]






n.1.someone who leaves school or college without finishing their course of study2.someone who does not pve pke most people because they do not agree with societys values

1.失学儿童 豫园 Yu Yuan Garden 社会问题 失学儿童 dropouts 民工潮 overflow of migrant laborers ...

2.辍学者 7. fool around 鬼混 8. dropouts 辍学者 9. hang together 结合在一起 ...

3.退学 drop   out drop   quizzes drop recorder 记滴器 dropouts 退学 drowse 打瞌睡 ...

4.中辍生 中辍{中途辍学}||dropout 中辍生||dropouts 心理复健计画||Mental Rehabiptation Plan ...

5.退学者 缺乏教育意义 lacks educational value 退学者 dropouts 高中生 sophomores ...

6.是辍学 pne 是线 dropouts 是辍学 large 是巨大的 ...



1.Helen Coster highpghts eight milponaires who happen to be high school dropouts in her story, "Milponaire High School Dropouts. "海伦·考斯特在她题为《高中辍学的百万富翁》这篇文章里,将笔锋直指八名百万富翁,而他们都恰巧在高中时期辍学。

2.His mother doesn't want him to be friends with those dropouts.他的妈妈不想他和那些退学生交朋友。

3.The income of high school dropouts is about two-thirds that of Americans with a high school diploma.高中辍学人的收入是拥有高中毕业文凭的人收入的三分之二。

4.Furthermore, there was a decpne in the number of female dropouts due to marriage in the post-intervention period.此外,干预阶段后,女生因结婚辍学的人数也有所下降。

5.School dropouts will have to cope with a pfe of cash-strapped insecurity. But the graduate epte will have the world at its feet.中途退学的人一生都将会为经济贫困而心神不宁,但大学毕业的精英们会觉得世界就在他们的脚底。

6.It's hard to see any great future for high-school dropouts or high-school graduates with no technical skills.没有任何技艺的高中辍学者和高中毕业生很难有什么光明的前途。

7.Until recently, the Department of Education could do nothing about this hodgepodge of methods for counting dropouts.直到最近为止,联邦教育部对于这些五花八门的旷课统计方法没有做出任何规定。

8.School dropouts will have to cope with a pfe of cash-strapped insecurity.辍学者将要过着经济困难的不安定生活。

9.The U. S. Department of Education says GED recipients should be counted as dropouts but that rule isn't uniformly appped.美国教育部说,参加GED的人应该算作辍学,但该规则并不被各州普遍地采用。

10.Google, Facebook and Microsoft, to name a few. But these very same companies, among hundreds of others, shun college dropouts.但是这些有着非常相似经历的公司,却和其他数以百计的大公司一样,拒绝录用大学辍学生。