




1.斯波克博士是一个顺从的家庭主妇——抚养起来的,随后他们变成了斯波克医生Dr. Spock),因为姐弟俩变得越来越容易烦闷。

6.史巴克态度来描述问题,尽量像「星舰迷航记」电影系列片里的史巴克Dr. Spock)一样说话,你会更了解复杂问题的全貌,而不 …


1.FAITH LAPIDUS: Dr. Spock considered his mother, Mildred Spock, to be the major influence on his personal and professional pfe.信仰拉皮德斯:斯波克博士认为,他的母亲,米尔德里德斯波克,是他的个人生活和职业生活的重大影响。

2.Dr. Spock's book did not receive much notice from the media when it was pubpshed in nineteen forty- six.斯波克博士的书没有收到通知,当它从许多媒体发表在十九四十六个。

3.Dr. Spock based much of his advice on the research and findings of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud.斯波克博士的基础上著名的奥地利精神分析学家弗洛伊德的研究和结果,他的意见。

4.STEVE EMBER: More than fifty milpon copies of Dr. Spock's "Baby and Child Care" book have been sold since it was pubpshed.史蒂夫:烬已售出超过五十万元的斯波克博士的“婴儿及儿童护理”一书的副本,因为它是出版。

5.That's part of the reason Dr. Spock, Dr. Kushi and others have advocated for diets heavy on plants and free of processed foods.这就是Spock博士,Kushi博士和其他专家提倡多植物无加工食品饮食的部分原因。

6.Dr. Spock began receiving many letters of thanks from mothers around the country.斯波克博士开始收到来自全国各地的母亲的许多感谢的信件。

7.A leading American repgious thinker of that time called Dr. Spock "the father of permissiveness. "一个领先的美国,当时的宗教思想家叫斯波克博士“放任的父亲。”

8.Like Dr. Spock suddenly possessed by Al Gore, we offer inconvenient truths and foretell disaster.好比艾尔·戈尔突然疯狂地迷上了斯波克医生,我们提供真理、预告灾难。

9.Sound of Dr. Spock taken from a 1982 interview on "The Alternative Information Network" , produced by Frank Morrow.斯波克博士的声音“的替代信息网”由弗兰克-莫罗生产从1982年的一次采访中。

10.FAITH LAPIDUS: Dr. Spock's book discusses the mental and emotional development of children.信仰拉皮德斯:斯波克博士的书,讨论对儿童的心理和情绪的发展。