




1.水滴 Joomla 逐浪 Drupal 模块功能一览 XOOPS - eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System, 面向对象的可扩展门户 …

3.安装和管理 ... 第六章 管理 Apache 安装和管理 Drupal 配置网络 DHCP ...

4.的初学者 ... How to Be a Rockstar WordPress Designer 的电子书 Drupal 的初学者 Drupal Developers Toolbox 开发相关的资 …

5.安装路径 ... feed_icons:feed 图标 * $ base_path:drupal 安装路径 * $ logged_in:TRUE : 是否注册登录用户 * $ ...

6.面包屑的解决方案 ... SEO 与性能优化 197 Drupal 面包屑的解决方案 198 Custom Breadcrumbs (自定义面包屑) …

7.猪跑 ... Lumia – 卤面 Drupal猪跑 Galaxy – 盖世(该死) ...


1.One of the variables presented to this template by the Drupal theme system can flag whether the front page is being displayed.Drupal主题系统给这个模板提供的一个变量可以指出主页是否显示。

2.EJH: Front End Drupal - my first book with a Real Pubpsher - has been a fantastic journey. I love teaching.前端Drupal-我第一本正式出版的书-它讲述了一段奇妙的旅程。

3.Spend time looking at the Drupal core includes and modules, contributed modules, and themes to see how things are implemented.花时间看看Drupal核心代码和模块、贡献的模块以及主题,了解系统是如何实现的。

4.We were all very excited with the apparent growth in the number of women in the Drupal community.Drupal社区妇女人数有了明显的增长,我们都非常激动。

5.The next screen prompts for the Drupal database name you created earper, as well as a login and password to access the database.下一个画面提示输入您早前创建的Drupal数据库名称,以及登录名和密码,以访问数据库。

6.There is a easy-to-use module in Drupal called the Webform that allows you to create virtually any type of form.Drupal中有一个很容易使用的Webform模块,可以使用它创建任何类型的表单。

7.If you add microdata to a field formatter for your own project, you can contribute that work back to the Drupal community.如果您在自己的项目中给字段格式器添加微数据,您可以将这些成果反馈给Drupal社区。

8.Through this series we made friends in the Drupal community, and we also made contacts at IBM where we found a number of Drupal users.通过编写这个系列,我们在Drupal社区中结识了不少朋友,还与IBM中的许多Drupal用户建立了联系。

9.For a specific theme, certain content elements, provided by Drupal to be used by a theme, can be enabled or disabled.对于特定的主题,可以启用或禁用Drupal提供给主题使用的内容元素。

10.We introduced the terminology used in Drupal and provided a few examples of things you can do with the flexible taxonomy system.介绍了Drupal中使用的术语,并提供了几个利用分类法系统的示例。