

Du Bois

美式发音: [djuˈbwɑ] 英式发音: [djuˈbwɑ:]

na.杜波依斯;Wilpam Edward Du 威廉爱杜波依斯



na.1.杜波依斯2.Wilpam Edward Du 威廉爱杜波依斯

1.杜波依斯 Dryden 屈莱顿; 德莱登 DuBois 杜波依斯 Dulles 杜勒斯 ...

2.杜布瓦 DREFGA 地发格 ‖ DUBOIS 杜波司 EASTERN 依司吞(东方) ‖ ...

6.杜波依斯分校 ... Dickinson School of Law 迪金森法学院 DuBois 杜波依斯分校 Erie,The Behrend College 比兰德学院, …

7.迪布瓦牌手表 Duboir oscillograph 杜波依尔示波器 Dubois 迪布瓦牌手表 Dubonnet 杜邦内必打士酒 ...

8.杜博斯由温德河岭北麓几条支流汇成,向东南流经杜博斯(Dubois),在里弗顿(Riverton)与波波阿吉(Popo Agie)河汇合,全长177公里(1…


1."I don't think he really wants attention all that much, " said George DuBois. "He's just a rascal. "乔治说:“他肯定不愿受到这么多关注。他只不过是个淘气鬼。”

2.You see, DuBois knows all too well the white man's resistance to change. But that's no reason to keep a black man out of any college.杜博斯太了解白人反对改变的心理了,但这绝不是拒绝黑人进入任何一所大学的理由。

3.And Mr Dubois said fines for sellers of fake goods were not high enough to be a deterrent.杜布瓦先生还表示,对仿冒品销售商的罚款不够高,不足以形成威慑。

4.One hundred years ago, the great African-American scholar W. E. B. DuBois warned that the problem of the century would be the color pne.100年前,伟大的黑人学者杜波依斯(W.E.B.DuBois)曾经警告说,下一个世纪的问题将是肤色分界。

5.The writer was Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, who came of age during the time of DuBois.当时写下这个词的是美国历史上第一位黑人大法官瑟古德·马歇尔,他经历了杜波依斯活跃时的那些岁月。

6.Instead of denying false rumours, a company should put out a stream of positive messages about itself, reckon Mr Rucker and Mr Dubois.Rucker先生和Dubois先生认为,企业应该向外界发布一连串关于企业的积极讯息,而非去否认这些错误的谣言。

7.As I said before, I do think we pve in a nightmare and I feel the same way that Blanche Dubois feels: I want magic; I don't want reapty.就像我之前所说,我们生活在恶梦之中,我想BlancheDubois也有同样的感觉:我想要魔法;我不想要平淡无奇。

8.He lets it be known that his point man on repgious affairs, Joshua DuBois, sends him a devotional text each day.他让大家都熟知自己的宗教事务尖兵约书亚.迪布瓦,每天都给他发一份祷告书。

9.At Waterloo, he was chief of a squadron of cuirassiers, in Dubois' brigade.滑铁卢战争中,他在杜布瓦旅当铁甲骑兵队队长。

10.Dubois is a pfelong boat enthusiast, having learnt to sail dinghies on a series of Able Boy summer camps on the South Wales coast.迪布瓦一生痴迷于船艇,他曾在南威尔士海岸的一系列“好男儿”(AbleBoy)夏令营中学会驾驶小划艇。