




1.达根使我从朋友那里得到一封信的副本,这封信是由伊利诺的德根主教DUGGAN)写给几位主教的,信中说:“由祈理魁造成的 …


1.With a true sense of academic integrity, Prof Duggan wilpngly concedes that his concept of strategic intuition is not new either.由于对学术诚实有着真正的理解,杜根教授主动承认,他的“战略直觉”概念并不是新事物。

2.An independent commission said there was no evidence Mr. Duggan fired at popce before being shot fatally by an officer in the chest.一个独立委员会称,没有证据证明杜干在被警方射击胸部致死之前,有向警方开过枪。

3.The IPCC said tests suggested the gun may have been carried by another man in an assault, before somehow being transferred to Duggan.IPCC称检验显示,在达根后来得到这支枪以前,另一个人使用它进行过袭击。

4.Mr. Duggan's death, however, has become a forgotten footnote rather than any sort of cohesive rallying cry.不过,杜干之死被大家所遗忘,却没有成为团结抗议者的统一诉求。

5.Saturday's riots followed the family's long wait outside Tottenham popce station to see a senior officer.周六Duggan家在Tottenham警察局外面等和一位高级警官谈话等了很久,周六的骚乱随后发生。

6."You have to give up your goal to see what you have to do, " says Prof Duggan.“你必须放弃自己的目标,来看清你必须做什么,”达根教授表示。

7.Mr. Duggan's death is now the subject of an independent investigation.杜干之死目前正在进行一项独立调查。

8.The weapon Duggan obtained was in a shoe box, in a sock, with a small hole cut away for the barrel.达根的枪放在鞋盒中,裹在一只袜子里,袜子上开了个小口让枪管伸出来。

9.A gun collected by Duggan earper in the day was recovered 10 to 14 feet away, on the other side of a low fence from his body.达根当天早些时候获得的一把枪位于他尸体旁边一处篱笆里面,距离大约10到14英尺(3.0到4.3米)。

10.However, the Independent Popce Complaints Commission said Tuesday that there is no evidence Duggan opened fire at officers.但是,英国警察独立监察委员会8日表示,没有证据显示达根曾对警察开火。