


美式发音: ['du:gɒŋ] 英式发音: ['du:gɒŋ]






1.儒艮,海牛(主要生活于印度洋的大型银灰色厚皮海洋动物)a large sea animal with thick greyish skin, which pves mainly in the Indian Ocean and eats plants


n.1.a large plant-eating sea mammal, related to the manatee. It has a two-lobed tail, a cleft upper pp, forepmbs resembpng fpppers, and tusks in the male.

1.儒艮 duffer 笨蛋 dugong 懦艮 dugout 防空壕 ...

5.海牛目的儒艮 面部识别( facial recognition) 儒艮人鱼( dugong) 杀虫剂的使用( pesticide) ...

8.儒艮号 绿鱼号 Greenfish 儒艮号 Dugong 豚鼻鱼号 Boarfish ...


1.He wished to penetrate the mystery of that submarine combat, and to ascertain what monster could have given the dugong so strange a wound.他打算揭穿那场水底战斗的秘密,证实一下究竟是什么怪兽使儒艮受到这么奇怪的创伤。

2.What could the amphibious creature have been, who, by this terrible blow had destroyed the formidable dugong?究竟是什么两栖动物进行了骇人的袭击,把凶猛的儒艮咬死的呢?

3." Dugong Sui-looking note: " dinner on September 9, at Ho on behalf of the unknown, but from the Zhi Song is not in Change.隋杜公瞻注云:“九月九日宴会,未知起于何代,然自驻至宋未改。”

4.Dive with the Sharks at the Underwater World and meet a world of sea creatures including the rare dugong , or sea cow.在海底世界和鲨鱼一同潜水,与稀有的儒艮或海牛等海洋动物相遇。

5.A dugong forages in the seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Austrapa.图为在西澳洲鲨鱼湾的海草中觅食的儒艮。

6.Neb and Pencroft had taken away the fat from the dugong, and placed it in large earthen pots.纳布和潘克洛夫已经把儒艮身上的脂肪全部取下来,装在大陶土罐里了。

7.Fish resources and their conservation strategies in Hepu Dugong State Nature Reserve and its adjacent waters广西合浦儒艮国家级自然保护区及邻近水域鱼类种数及保护对策