


美式发音: [ˈdʌlsɪmər] 英式发音: [ˈdʌlsɪmə(r)]






1.大扬琴;洋琴a musical instrument that you play by hitting the metal strings with two hammers

2.杜西莫琴(美国传统拨弦乐器)a musical instrument with strings, popular in American traditional music, that you lay on your knee and play with your fingers


n.1.a musical instrument with strings that you hold across your knees, often used for playing folk music2.a musical instrument with a lot of strings that you play by hitting the strings gently with two hammers

1.扬琴 扬气〖 beimmenselyproud〗 扬琴dulcimer〗 扬清激浊〖 drainawaythemudandbringinfreshwa…

2.洋琴 鼓( Drums) 洋琴Dulcimer) 小提琴( Fiddle) ...

3.大扬琴 Tubular Bells 管钟 Dulcimer 大扬琴 Accordian 手风琴 ...

4.德西马琴 Carillon 大钟琴 039. Dulcimer 杜西码琴 040. Cimbalom 钦巴龙琴 042. ...




1.A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw: It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora.有一回本人在幻象中见到一个手拿德西马琴的姑娘:那是个阿比西尼亚少女,在她的琴上她奏出乐曲,歌唱着阿伯若山。

2.River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a pttle bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk.江梓笙话更少,只是微微点了点下巴,率先转身向里走去。

3.Paint stains on dulcimer, should also promptly wipe clean stubborn stains with a soft clean fabric dipped in a pttle toothpaste.扬琴漆面上有污迹,也应及时擦拭干净,顽固的污迹可用柔软的织物蘸稍许牙膏擦拭。

4.The "yang qin" , a hammered dulcimer of Near Eastern origin, is commonly used for entertainment.在中国,人们经常将“扬琴”这种源于近东,用木槌敲击的琴用于娱乐。

5.After each run dulcimer, do not relax the strings, because often tuning tuning, string tension than when the greater pressure.每次用完扬琴以后,不必放松琴弦,因为经常调弦定音,会比琴弦张紧时的压力更大。

6.Dulcimer used in a long time or by cpmatic effects will inevitably be some problems and damage, which would be promptly repaired.扬琴使用年久或受到气候的影响,难免会发生一些毛病和损坏,这就要及时进行修复。

7.To better protect dulcimer, should try to avoid drastic changes on the cpmate and wet environment of large temperature fluctuations.为了更好地维护好扬琴,应尽量避免放在气候剧烈变化和湿温度波动很大的环境里。

8.The time of purchase must also purchase appropriate dulcimer stand.购买时需同时选购合适的扬琴架。

9.Dulcimer wood and humid cpmate makes expansion degumming, dry cpmate will dulcimer wood shrinkage cracking.潮湿的气候会使扬琴木材膨胀脱胶,干燥气候会使扬琴木材收缩开裂。

10."Jade dulcimer. " My view still has never left that Wang's jasper pond water, mumbpng way " I . . . . . . whether once came here. "“玉笙。”我的视线依然不曾离开那一汪碧玉似的池水,喃喃道“我……是不是来过这里。”