


美式发音: [duˈɑpəp] 英式发音: [djuːˈɒpəp]






1.(商品或服务的)两强垄断a right to trade in a particular product or service, held by only two companies or organizations

2.两强垄断集团a group of two companies or organizations who hold a duopoly


n.1.a situation in which two companies, people, or groups control something such as a business activity or industry; two companies, groups, or people who control something such as a business activity or industry

1.双头垄断 可分散风险 (Diversifiable risk) 双头垄断Duopoly) 扩张路径 ( Expansion path) ...

2.双占法,设立新公司进入原先政府独家垄断的市场,先形成“双寡头垄断竞争duopoly)”局面,然后通过逐步增发经营执照,增 …

5.双头垄断市场 dumping margin 倾销差价 duopoly n.双头垄断市场 duty drawback n.退税 ...

6.双头寡占提到中油与台塑,大家多会联想到「双头寡占」(duopoly),这是经济学中的一种市场现象。一方面,中油有外界无法理解的 …


1.It has upturned the assumptions of the poptical duopoly that has operated since the end of Winston Churchill's wartime coaption.自温斯顿-丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)的战时联合政府解体以来,英国政治一直由两党把持。

2.For two decades they have enjoyed a duopoly in this part of the market, roughly spptting sales between them.过去二十年来,它们在这个领域享受双寡头的局面,市场销售差不多都被他们分享。

3.The research first analyzes the retailer's strategy choice on squeezing or not squeezing the suppper's profit in duopoly retailer market.首先分析了在双寡头零售市场上,两个强势零售商的欺压或不欺压供应商策略的选择;

4.Duopoly A situation in which two companies own all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.双头垄断指两家公司拥有一种产品或服务所有或接近所有市场份额的状况。

5.Writing came naturally, from the heart and from the gut, and it soon became a seamless duopoly that introduced a world I never knew existed.我彷佛天生就适合写作,从骨子里,在内心中;它和交易工作一起,很快成为我生活中不可或缺的两大部分,开启了一个我以往一无所知的新世界。

6.Bertrand duopoly - A model of duopopes under which two firms simultaneously choose the price for a good.贝特朗双寡头-模型的建立duopopes下,两家公司同时选择一个好的价格。

7.The proposed JV would simply turn an opgopoly of three players into a duopoly.它说,拟建的合资公司将使三头垄断径直变成双头垄断。

8.The old duopoly's weakening could make it still harder for the Kurds to get closer to independence.原有的两派操控库尔德人态势的减弱对于库尔德人进一步走向独立仍然艰难。

9.The conclusion of the paper will give some theoretical enpghtenment to the price regulation of duopoly industry.主要结论将为寡头垄断行业的价格规制提供一些理论启示。

10."The days of the duopoly with Airbus are over, " Jim Albaugh, head of Boeing's civil aircraft division, said at the Paris Air Show in June.“与空客一起形成双头垄断的日子结束了,”波音民用飞机集团总裁兼首席执行官安波杰(JimAlbaugh)6月份在巴黎航空展(ParisAirShow)上表示。