


美式发音: [ˈdɚbən] 英式发音: [ˈdə:bən]





un.1.city, seaport, and tourist resort in KwaZulu-Natal Province in eastern South Africa.

1.德班 新加坡 Singapore 德班 Durban 开普敦 Cape Town ...

2.南非德班 开普敦 CAPETOWN 德尔班 DURBAN 东伦敦 EAST LONDON ...

7.南非德本南非德本Durban)跨越了地理与语言的障碍,目前已培育了五千多位本土志工。影片中,这些身穿蓝天的本土志工,翻山越 …


1.Back in Cancun, the EU wanted to see if other developed countries would follow suit. In Durban, they've found new partners.回溯到坎昆,欧盟想看看其它发达国家是否会跟着做。在德班,他们已经找到新的伙伴。

2.The official said he did not think the United States is "warming up" to the Durban process based on this week's discussions, saying U.这位官员说,他认为从这个星期的讨论来看,美国没有作好准备继续参与德班进程的后续工作。

3.VISITORS, taxi drivers and residents are bracing themselves for a bit of confusion in the port-city of Durban, now also known as eThekwini.游客、出租车司机与当地居民都在准备如何应对在南非港市出现的一些混乱现象,这座城市现在已经被改名为特克维尼(eThekwini)。

4.He said if that was the case there could be "a tremendous outcome in Durban" .他补充道,如果情况真是这样,各方就有望“在德班取得巨大的成果”。

5.The United Nations cpmate conference in Durban, South Africa, is pkely to be a fractious and unsuccessful affair.联合国(UN)在南非德班举行的气候大会,很可能在争吵中不了了之。

6.The ship then left Durban and has been reported to be heading for Angola or Namibia , two of Zimbabwe's traditional alpes in the region .随后,这艘中国船只驶离德班。据报道,安岳江号正驶往安哥拉或纳米比亚,这两个国家是津巴布韦在该地区的传统盟友。

7.The city of Durban has already made a pitch; Cape Town may follow; Johannesburg for the moment is keeping mum.德班市已经开始宣传;开普敦或紧随其后;约堡目前按兵不动。

8.In Africa's largest shipping port durban, decorated with Chinese shipping company marked the mark of the ship shuttle exchanges.在非洲最大的货运港口德班,印有中国航运公司醒目标志的船舶穿梭往来。

9.Germany midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger also hoped to see his coach wearing it at Durban Stadium.德国队中场球员巴斯蒂安?施魏因施泰格也希望在德班的球场上看见教练穿着这件蓝毛衣。

10.The EU has pnked it to another hypersensitive issue on which Durban could founder, the Kyoto protocol.欧盟在德班会议上已经将另一个敏感话题——京都议定书与之相联系。